UCI vs UCSC vs UCR? I can get my degree at UCSC for 70 units vs UCI 105 units

I got accepted into UCI and UCSC for a CS transfer. I am looking at all the courses listed and I see I have almost all of the lower divisions completed for UCSC, but none completed for UCI.

I hear UCI is a better school for CS, and I can tell that they have allot more CS courses and looks more in depth with the specializations. I could potentially get my B.S at UCSC within 1.5 years, or I could stay another year at UCI and get my degree there.

Oh, and I forgot but I also got accepted into UCR. I haven’t looked at UCR for comp sci yet, but I am assuming it will be the same time frame as UCSC. I haven’t really looked at how good they are but I haven’t heard that great of things, also its kind of in a nowhere area.

If the question is whether you should go to UCI for an extra year because its CS program is perceived to be better, then the answer is no. Nobody is going to split hairs between UCI and UCSC.

There;s nothing wrong with UCR, either, but there’s no reason to go to school longer than you need to.