<p>Hey guys,
I really need your opinion as to where I should go. Don’t worry, I will not be basing my decision from the replies I get from this site. I just want to see what some people would do if they were in my situation. </p>

<p>So I got accepted to UCSD and UCI. In all honesty, I love both schools, their atmosphere, etc. My problem is money. My parents barely make over the certain limit where you can get grants or financial aid. The only fin. aid that I’m getting are loans. I will have to contribute 5,500 dollars per year and my family will have to contribute 22,000 dollars. One of my solutions is to join the track and field team at whichever school. However, UCSD is division 2 and they only offer 500 dollars per year per athlete. That wouldn’t help me that much. At UCI, I can go on as a walk-on and try for a partial scholarship, which would probably give me more money then UCSD’s athletic scholarships. However, what happens if I don’t make it to their track team and not get the partial scholarship? I could be throwing away 2000 dollars that UCSD would’ve given me. </p>

<p>Also, with my AP credits, UCI will give me more credits then UCSD. However, UCI is giving me a bunch of elective credits. At UCSD, my AP credits will fulfill more of the GE requirements at Muir College. </p>

<p>Let’s say you were in my situation. Where would you go? BTW, I’m a biological/engineering type of major at both schools if that helps…</p>

<p>Sorry for some errors in this thread. I wrote it when I was really tired…</p>

<p>Well I was picking between UCSD and UCI (and others) at one point and I picked UCSD. But really, I think you should go where you feel you’ll be happiest for the next 4 years. Have you visited both campuses yet?</p>

<p>Yes, I’ve already visited both campuses and I love them both. If money weren’t an issue, I still wouldn’t be able to pick between both schools because I enjoy them that much…</p>

10 char.</p>

<p>Eh. From your post, it sounds like you’ve got the pros and cons of each university down. It also sounds like your convinced that both schools present good opportunities for you; they even seem on par financially. I know it’s not concrete advice, but when it gets this close, you really can’t go wrong with either choice.</p>