UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

Is there one centralized or official website where UCLA admittees look for roommates? Or is it across various social media places like IG? TIA


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Yes, I am also looking for roommates and was wondering if UCLA has a page for that.

I must have missed that post. We got our fin aid but no award :confused:

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I deleted previous post. Im certain i read people recieved it, but can’t locate post. So rather than confuse. Delete.

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Sorry, no insight about Regents. I have not seen anyone that has received an invite or notification of being selected for the scholarship. You might want to contact the FA office and admissions. I know that FA packages have not been released yet and if selected for Regents, it should be listed with the FA package.

I was wondering is there a facebook grp for admitted students/parents for UCLA class of 2026. What is a good way to find dorm room-mates?

Historically, when do the alumni scholarship results come out?

Congratulations! Just ignore the bitter and angry posts!


Bitter much?


I agree with ocjc. Ignore the bitter/toxic posts. Congrats and keep working hard! This site has been fine overall.


Daughter rejected. Basically nowadays if you find the cure for cancer, you’ll get accepted. Not to be cynical but that’s the way it is. This is our 4th and last to go to college so it’s not our first rodeo. Disappointed is an understatement!


As a public school student who has maintained straight As from freshman year to senior year, I do not feel that I “cheated” to achieve these grades. If anything, more students failed at my school during quarantine due to lack of instruction. We were only getting half as much class time as a normal year and it was on Zoom, causing us to largely depend on self-teaching. I did the absolute best that I could and kept my grades to straight As. I would’ve loved to have a real junior year with more support from teachers, but my parents don’t have the money for private school. We all make the most of our situations and if a student’s grades are only high during the online portion of high school, I’m sure the admissions staff can make the distinction.


DS '22 received invite to apply for regents through email at 2:30. Anyone else?



So they are still going through an application process for Regents, not an automatic award this year. What is involved for the application process? Any information would be helpful for future applicants.

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have to fill out an application in the prospective student portal. special password given to access it


My kids went private and didn’t get to be in person and studied extremely hard for AP exams and even self studied for some of the exams because their school doesn’t offer the classes. So not sure what schools you are talking about ?

As a student, I can strongly affirm that the pandemic made school much easier for remote learning students. Classes like APUSH are considered extremely time-intensive and difficult to get As in. However, the entire year we had two in-class essays as assessments, that’s it. The class basically became a free A. This is coming from a very reputable school in the bay.
The reason for the lack of the tests was that my APUSH teacher was well aware that most students would keep the textbook right next to them and use them to answer MCQs.
The most challenging part for me was self-studying for AP tests and getting 5s, since they do require legitimate knowledge. However, I am not sure how important they are for UC admissions. IMO AP tests say a lot more than grades.
edit: I also got the regents scholarship consideration email at 2:30 pm PST


Yes my son got the email also