UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

For regents scholarship, do they only send out emails for those that got it or for ones who don’t as well?

Yes, there people getting rejection emails. There is still a chance if you’ve heard nothing yet.

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Just found out from D22 that she got the rejection letter for regents yesterday. Was hoping she would get it but knew it was a slim chance. Thank you

One of my son’s friend got regents rejection email Monday. My son and another friend haven’t heard anything.

My D22 got Regents offer on Monday.



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Does anyone know what is the chance of freshmen getting a double room? There is a good chance, slim or impossible? We heard different things.


We heard it’s slim to none 1st year. Hopefully 2nd year is better(?). At campus tour they seemed to imply the the second year you’re likely to get your 1st choice room pick. For this year, our son didn’t even try. Ranked all triples. He found roommates he thinks he’s compatible with.

Slim, but definitely not none. My son the other day told me that he was surprised that he does know a few kids who ended up in rooms that were not just Classic Triples. But I do think that most of the time if they get something “better” than a Classic Triple, it’s still often in a rooming configuration that still involves 3 students. We know tons and tons of kids who are in Deluxe Triples (the ones with AC), and we know some in Plaza Triples and Suite Triples. If you are okay spending more and list those first, you might get one. But I think chances are still pretty high that whatever type you get, there will be 3 kids in the bedroom part of the configuration. Athletes excepted, of course.

Thank you all for the info

Wow congrats!!

Do you happen to know if they look at the essay only or do they go back to review the whole application again to determine who gets regents?

Have the Alumni Scholarships been awarded now? Did they send out emails to only the ones who got the scholarships, or did they also send out rejection emails?

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Hi does anyone know if UCLA will rescind a student if he/she does bad on the upcoming AP test like getting a 1 or 2 ?

Absolutely not. You will not be rescinded for a low AP score.

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thank you :slight_smile:

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Anyone have a type 1 diabetic son looking for roommate? My son is and well at least it would be nice for him to have someone who won’t care about a blood sugar alarm :joy:

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Might be a good idea to post this in the main UCLA parents page on Facebook. I’ve seen this topic come up there before.

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Do all freshmen need to take and pass the Writing 1 and Writing 2 requirements, or is it only required for certain majors?