UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

I don’t think so. In fact, students don’t have to take AP tests.

Oh so even if I just got a 3 on lang and I dont place out of W1 or W2, I don’t have to take them?

If your student doesn’t take the test, she/he may not earn the elective credits. If the student takes the tests but not passed, she/he may not earn the credits anyway.

Your question was about rescinded decision.

No lol it’s just about credit transfer. Just wondering if i even have to worry about scoring mediocre on my AP English exams.

Sorry I was trying to reply to J. I think we confused one another. So sorry.

Oh haha. You’re totally fine!

Here’s what you get out of various scores on the AP exams. I don’t think there is any way to pass out of Writing 2. That’s something you’ll do as part of a Cluster or another course at UCLA once you get there:

If you score a 4 or a 5 on the AP (Lang or Lit), you get out of not just the initial entry requirement but also Writing 1. See the same links for schools of engineering, TFT, etc. in case they are different. You’ll have to take Writing 2 at UCLA:

Yes if the students have AP Lang or AP Lit or even both. It only satisfies EW, W1.

That means student has to take W2.


Is W2 an upper div writing course? If so, it is the same at all UCs. AP/AWPE/test scores can get you out of your lower div writing requirement but an upper div writing course is still required.

@lkg4answers , regarding your post #1368 dated 03/20, undoubtedly, UCLA and the UCs – along with numerous other colleges & universities --only count 10th & 11th grades, and these calculations are what UCLA and UCB present on their Common Data Sets. It appears that UCSC computes uwgpa, but the other UCs don’t produce a CDS or they include UC or fully weighted gpa.

In addition, plusses and minuses are elided from the calculation. I remember conversing with a student on YT who had a good handful of A- grades and only one or two B+ grades, and I said that he should be thankful that his teachers gave him the benefit of the doubt in giving him the bumped up grades. Talking with the teacher could help in certain instances. But the UC figures that the plusses will cancel out the minuses and vice versa.

Because of these elevated-gpa factors, UCLA reported the following in its last two submitted CDSs:

2020-21 CDS
C11 Data % w/Str-A, 4.0 Ave. 47.3%
C12 Data Ave. UWGPA 3.90
C12 Data % Reporting 98.70%
2021-22 CDS
C11 Data % w/Str-A, 4.0 Ave. 55.4%
C12 Data Ave. UWGPA 3.92
C12 Data % Reporting 99.90%

Additionally, it’d be hard to produce a timely CDS with senior grades included, including recalculating, because most colleges that produce the data sets do so by the end of a calendar year. So they just give conditions for students to maintain their admission status, and monitor their senior grades, as well as their having looked at freshman grades also. But the elevated courses are generally not taken in frosh years.

The 3.90 & 3.92 averages are verifiable for UCLA with the various tiers of gpa including those from the second tier which would be range of 3.75-3.99 and straight down the list along with their percentages.

The vast majority of colleges don’t compute C11 & C12 data or they don’t do it correctly by also posting some sort of weighted gpas, but a couple which did present them were, e.g., Stanford with 3.96 average gpa, with 75.1% with 4.0s, but with only 58.4% reporting, and Princeton with 3.93 average with 60.99% with 4.0s, with 99.15% reporting.

I believe that UCLA doesn’t include International students but only domestic ones because a conversion to an X.XX form would be impossible for them.

Yes only UC classes count towards the gpa

Writing 1 and 2 are university requirements. If I recall writing 2 must be taken at ucla. Only writing 1 can be tested out of

That is our experience. Writing 2 has to be fulfilled at UCLA. It’s one of the requirements covered as part of my first-year’s freshman cluster, but I know there are a bunch of ways to fulfill it.

Hi Guys!

Congratulations to all who’ve been accepted. Has anyone in here been accepted to the TFT program? I’m looking to apply for fall of next year

Several ways to satisfy Writing 1

Does anyone know if my daughter picks a later date for her orientation, will classes be running out by then? We are busy in July so she will sign up for the August orientation but I’m worried that classses will be running out by then.

A specific number of class spots are freed up for each orientation session. So your chances of getting the classes you want are equal, regardless of the session you attend.


That’s perfect. Thank you so much for helping me ease my mind. Appreciate it. Have a great day!

Does anyone know if the math and chemistry diagnostic tests are hard? What do they test you on and the format of the test?