UCLA Business Econ, Econ, Math/Econ Transfers

<p>Just a list of profiles of people applying to UCLA as Business Econ, Econ, Math/Econ </p>

<p>Please list:</p>

Alternate Major:
Whatever else is left to say:</p>

<p>Major: Math/ Econ
GPA: 3.83
From: Diablo Valley College (spent freshman year at UCSB)
EC: Secretary and one of the co founders of the leadership and management club at DVC and also 700+ hours of community service with the salvation army
Essay: pretty good </p>

<p>I have a 4.0 in all of my CCC classes and had a 3.5 at UCSB. I also managed to finish fall 08 with a 4.0 while taking 23 units.</p>

<p>Major: Biz Econ
Alternate Major: N/A
GPA: 3.8
Major/Pre-req GPA: 4.0
IGETC: Completed by Spring
EC: Mainly sports related.
Essay: Hard to tell. I think one is definitely better than the other. Maybe one good and one not so good/not as good. Hard to gauge.</p>

<p>General Comments: It’s a tough major to get into so I don’t know. The waiting game… it’s nerve-wrecking. Good luck to everyone.</p>

<p>Just a list of profiles of people applying to UCLA as Business Econ, Econ, Math/Econ</p>

<p>Please list:</p>

<p>Major: Biz Econ
Alternate Major: Econ
Major/Pre-req GPA: 4.0
EC: Lots
Essay: 9 or 9.5/10
Whatever else is left to say: hopefully i get in, my last 4 semester i have had 4.0s compared to my 2.5 my first year</p>

<p>Major: Biz Econ
GPA: 3.93
Prerequisite: All completed with A’s
EC: Average
Essay: 8/9 out of 10
I am also applying to USC and UCSB as an accounting major. Do you guys think I will be accepted to any of these schools.</p>

<p>Math/ Econ Major.
GPA 3.63, 3.87 before fall.
TAP certified.</p>

<p>Major: Biz Econ
GPA: 3.95
Major/Pre-req GPA: 4.0 (completed 3 years of calculus)
EC: School math tutor and others
Essay: 8.5/10</p>

<p>I have exactly 60 transferable UC semester units, don’t know if it would affect my admission a bit since the stat on UCLA website </p>

<p>indicates that the average Biz econ applicants have about 65~70 units.</p>

<p>you shouldnt merge econ/biz econ with math/econ</p>

<p>Math/econ is ran by the mathematics department and this major has a significantly higher acceptance rate and lower applicant level than any major in the econ department.</p>

<p>srjc - In at all the schools listed
cgee - As long as you have at least 60 transferable units, and completed all your pre-reqs, it doesn’t matter how many units you’ve taken. Your GPA alone is enough to get you in.</p>

<p>Major: bizecon
Alternate Major: econ
GPA: 3.52
TAP: no
IGETC: yes
EC: small
Essay: good
Whatever else is left to say: 3.9 gpa prereqs</p>

<p>Major: Math/econ
Alternate Major: Civil Engineering
GPA: 3.8
Prereqs: Completed by Spring (done w/ math/econ, finishing up eng. requirements)
IGETC: yes
EC: barely
Essay: OK
Whatever else: I really regret putting math/econ as primary major. I might have actually gone to UCLA if I got into civ engineering but don’t think I would attend as math/econ, more like I just wanted to get accepted and knew math/econ was an easy admit.</p>

<p>math econ is more towards ppl who want to get their phd in econ</p>

<p>yeah. funny thing is you can’t even get into a decent phd program in econ without a math/econ major, unless you decide to take real analysis, linear algebra, and diff eqs outside of an econ major.</p>

<p>Major: Business Econ
Alternate Major: Econ? I forgot.
GPA: Does this include the upcoming spring 2009 final grades? If not, 4.0. If yes…4.0 might be gone.
IGETC: Will be completed
EC: A few
Essay: How did you guys rate your own essay?
Whatever else is left to say: Good luck everyone :D.</p>

<p>Doonroy, </p>

<p>what classes are you taking in Spring?</p>

<p>“math econ is more towards ppl who want to get their phd in econ”</p>

<p>-Funny, i said that a couple of years ago and now everyone says it :slight_smile: </p>

<p>It is true though, i was a bit taken back by the program. Much harder than econ, and a bit dry with the math and the econ courses being so narrow.</p>

<p>it actually says that exactly on assist for math/econ at ucsd:
“this major is considered to be excellent preparation for Ph.D. study in
economics and business administration, as well as for graduate studies for
professional management degrees, including the MBA.”</p>

<p>well any degree is fine for an mba</p>

<p>and malishka i remember you saying that haha. you’ve researched it more than i have so i trust u!</p>

<p>Major: Business Econ
Alternate Major: Business Econ
GPA: 4.0 (This semester consists of easy classes)
TAP: Certified
IGETC: Certified
EC: Perhaps as strong as my GPA. Leaderships positions, intern, tutor, volunteer, conferences, etc.
Essay: My English Professors proofread it and said it’s strong.
Whatever else is left to say: I hope that the rumor about UCs taking in more international students is true.</p>

<p>Hello! ☼ My name is Maria.
I am from West Valley Community College.
To: Berkeley, UCLA (honors with TAP), UCSD, UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz
Major: Business Economics
GPA: 4.0
IGETC + 2 AAs (75 transferable units done by Spring, 2009)
I am a permanent member of AGS. 1 year of community service in a hospital. I have been to NYLF and NYLC, won a couple of Technology and Science Championships, got the 3d place for the essay contest in our college and won a lot of ballroom competitions…and blah lol Good luck, everyone!</p>