UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@Twoin18 My bad, by top 1-2% I meant that’s the general amount of people in the running for consideration. So 1-2% of the 100k freshman apps will be considered for it. Then the 100 or so that actually get the scholarship are from that 1-2% of applicants.

@10s4life on the portal, one of my friends was able to submit the regents app without the general app but for mine, it says I must submit the general application before regents. Does this mean anything? He thinks that it means my invite was a glitch and now I am worried.


Did you and your friend receive the Regents invite email?

@StevenToCollege Yea, we both received the regents email invite and not the alumni one.

@caliboy15 I actually don’t know. You can call the scholarships and FA office to find out exactly. Seems more like an app problem. Your invite is legit. Don’t worrry :slight_smile:

@10s4life do I need to fill out the UCLA general application in the prospective undergraduate scholarship portal in order to be considered for the achievement scholarship? Please let me know; thanks!

@10s4life Was the deadline for submitting the Regents scholarship application extended? Now, when I go to the page which explains Regents in more detail, the deadline is listed as 3/2/2019 instead of 3/1/2019.

Also had a few more questions:

  1. Is there any connection between the scholarship committee and the admissions decision?
  2. Who decides which applicants to invite for the scholarship? I have heard that a general committee decides whether to send and invitation, and a separate group will then make the final assessment on the application.

@XCBikeSwimSleep I assume so
@glitchyintegral I don’t know as I am not affiliated with financial aid or scholarships. I am not sure how regents is exactly decided, I only know how normal admissions is.

This is the first year on this forum I’ve gotten so many questions on regents and alumni scholarships. Because I work with admissions, specifically engineering admissions I do not know much about the UCLA merit scholarships. But knowing who chooses what, at least in my mind makes little difference as knowing won’t change how UCLA views your app. Like I said earlier applying or not applying to any of these has no bearing on admission.

@10s4life Hi I just had. a quick question. At the beginning of the month, I was asked to submit supplemental information. There were two questions - one asking about any extenuating circumstances, another asking about a special talent. Since I didn’t have any extenuating circumstances, I only answered the question about a special talent since I believe that’s what they wanted to know about. Is that alright that I just answered one?

Also, is this a good sign? Does the supplemental info request mean I’m a borderline applicant?

@runnerrb You should answer any and all questions that apply to you. Supplemental questions are sent to borderline applicants.

Anyone got a ’ Feel at Home’ email this morning?

@antontupai As stated in an earlier post all student life emails are generic and sent to everyone. They have no correlation to acceptance.

@runnerrb from recent posts and other forums I believe that being a borderline applicant doesn’t mean you have a higher chance but neither does it mean you have a lower chance of gaining admissions. It does mean that you are not a YES or a NO yet since the officers are still looking into your app. It just means they wanted more info or they are confused about something so they wanted more information on that. Then they can make a decision.

@10s4life Why would they be sending generic college life emails this late in the game? Seems odd to me. It would make more sense early on or when trying to recruit applicants, but not weeks before acceptances go out. It seems senseless to me. I hope it is a sign of good things to anyone who got that email today. I got one, too.

@antontupai i got that email

@10s4life Thanks for the response! Do you know if many who get the supplemental eventually get accepted? I had a 4.0 UW first semester of senior year with 4 APs so I hope that helps. And my counselor said the question about extenuating circumstances was meant for underserved students - something I am not. Is that correct?

@antontupai Got that email as well! I really wish they would stop sending promo emails with subjects like UCLA admissions. Causes a lot of needless anxiety.

Thanks @musiciangoaler ! Found a helpful link which seems kind of accurate to me. https://■■■■■■■■■■■■/ucla-supplemental-questionnaire/

@runnerrb @musiciangaler: Here is more information regarding supplemental

Here are the five specific conditions under which an applicant might be selected
for an augmented/supplemental review.

 Evidence of focus on an area of special talent which may have limited a student’s
time to participate in a broader range of activities.
 Evidence of character traits that imply a strong likelihood of making a significant
contribution to campus life.
 Evidence of significant academic achievement or the potential for academic
achievement at the University in spite of extraordinary or compound
disadvantage or learning difference, or physical disability or other unusual
 Evidence of significant improvement in the academic record accompanied by one
or both of the following: reasons for the initial poor performance; and/or sustained
and in-depth participation in educational outreach programs, which demonstrate
the applicant’s commitment to succeed academically within a challenging
 Evidence of relative lack of access to, counseling about, or support to take
college preparatory, honors, Advanced Placement (AP) or International
Baccalaureate (IB) classes or required college entrance examinations.

@antontupai My D did NOT get the email