UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

I was rejected

Major: Civil Engineering
UC GPA: 4.1 (only 2 AP Mathematics Courses)
SAT: 1370
ACT: 30
Good ECs
Great essays

I really was not expecting to be admitted to UCLA but I decided to “shoot my shot” and applied as a far reach school.

Acceptances: Cal Poly SLO, Cal Poly Pomona, CSULB, LSU, SDSU, SJSU, University of Arizona, UC Irvine, UC Merced, UC Riverside

Waitlists: UC Davis, UCSD

Rejections: Colorado School of Mines, Purdue, USC

Congratulations to everyone who got accepted to UCLA! :slight_smile:

@CharlieEcho35 You will do great!!! Focus on the acceptances!!! My son (in state) was. rejected Civ. eng. from USC too. 4.46 gpa, 1550 SAT, 800/physics sat, 740/math sat2…it’s rough out there.

I’m trying to get him excited about the places where he was accepted. And remember, you can ALWAYS transfer! Both of my brothers did into UCLA, (one from CC, and the other from Cal state Humbolt) and I did into UCSC! from CC! The possibilities are endless when you are young!!! You might find you love your school, though!

@infotime I can totally Understand how you feel. I am glad your ‘S’ took it very well.
Just curious is he In-state applicant ?

Okay @10s4life - D accepted to Engineering. Now it is decision time. She is hearing stories of how competitive UCLA is once you are attending and that the pressure never lets up. What is your take on UCLA students’ competitiveness once attending?

@MomElena That must be from the pre meds lol. Of course there are competitive people but the overwhelming majority of people aren’t. The school encroaches collaboration from the start. I do all of my homework in groups and it’s never cut throat. We help each other on homework’s, projects and other work. Most don’t care about grades in engineering cause the curve works out in the end and everyone is able to get an internship/job. Plus the dorms have all kinds of majors and you’ll meet so many people outside of your classes. Most of my friends aren’t engineers and they haven’t found classes competitive either.

Thanks @10s4life. I will pass on the information. I hope she chooses UCLA.

Provisional letter awards came in!! Its soooo cheap and I get to attend one of the best universities in the world. Truly blessed.

@letsgorams I receieved that email too, but I can’t access my award letter. When I sign in with my logon ID, it says, “Our records indicate that you do not have access to use MyUCLA at this time…”

@MomElena Best way to describe the environment is a more studious UCSB. Everyone works hard during the day/during finals week and weekends/nights it’s a lot of fun.

@BeCheap4me2 Thank you for the advice! :slight_smile: I’ll be attending Cal Poly SLO this fall. I already visited SLO and I loved it!

Daughter Waitlisted at UCLA
10+ AP’s
34 ACT

Worked 20 hours a week as a Dance Instructor for kids aging from 4 to 16 years old
Varsity Sport all 4 years
Lots of EC

Accepted into:
UCSB Honors
UCSD Honors
U of Washington -Purple and Gold Scholarship

Unfortunately we are a 3 generation Bruin family. She has other options but truly had her heart set on UCLA

hey @10s4life, I was looking at my PAL and on the view information page it said that the estimated family contribution for me is $27,000, but then when I go to the “View My Award” Page, my Estimated Cost of Attendance/Net Cost is around $34,000. It doesn’t show any money offered to me by UCLA, so I was just wondering if you know which estimate is more accurate or if UCLA will show me any actual award after I submit my SIR. I’ll call the Financial Aid & Scholarships later on, but I just figured id ask on here too. Thank you in advance!!

Same here @mbelle it shows expected family contribution at a lower amount than total Net cost. I’m out of state so it’s a lot more than the Expected family contribution amount. I’m so confuse…

@mbelle @Positive2019 it’s an estimate based on average cost. It will be different because of choice of housing, meal plan, health insurance, etc.

Damn thats tough. I though being a UCLA legacy was a plus on applications

@xenonpulse Are you logging in with your UC login credentials? Don’t. In the PAL email, there are two links: one is to log in to access your PAL and the other is to create the account for PAL. I can PM you the link to create the account. Then you will be able to access it.

Expected family contribution isn’t what you will pay. It’s the min. If your aid is below youre expected to make it up with loans

@mbelle @Positive2019

The first estimate, the lower one is you cost of tuition. The second higher one is tuition plus form & extras. I could be wrong but this is what I’m looking at with my D’d financial aid.

Does anyone know if the learning and environment is friendly? I am planning to go into the medical field, and I have heard a lot about how hostile the peers are in a lot of schools. I’m wondering if UCLA is like that too.

when do acceptance packages get sent out in the mail?