UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@1Dreamer thank you!

@chucko same issue, said complete for general and regents,then suddenly incomplete over a gay/sex pref question, and then submit. there was also that glitch in feb over the regents

@j678jgpo thank you for the info!

Out of state
33 ACT
3.8 GPA (no APs offered at school)
Great recs
Leadership positions in ECs

@BeCheap4me2 You asked about the ease of getting classes at UCSB, UCLA, and SLO. I can speak to the first two because we have a child at each. For engineering at UCSB, there will be no problem getting courses for the major. They will guarantee him a spot in classes he needs if he keeps on pace with the 4 year plan they lay out. Although it’s a smaller school than UCLA, some early classes such as Math, Chem, etc can be bigger than UCLA because UCLA doesn’t have any lecture halls that hold 500 students. By sophomore year when they are taking primarily major classes, they’ll probably be about the same size. UCSB has the best housing guarantee of any of the 3 schools you mentioned with their 2+2 program which guarantees 4 years in university-owned housing. UCLA is a close 2nd with 3 years.
Our son at UCLA has not had a problem getting courses for mechanical engineering there. One advantage UCLA has is that they offer the major courses multiple times per year in case you fail a class or otherwise get behind for some reason. For eexample, they offer Statics all 3 quarters whereas UCSB only offers it in the fall. So there is more flexibility at UCLA in that regard. The food situation at UCSB is very good when living on campus - at UCLA it is even better. The residential living on The Hill is a great little community. IMO, Cal Poly doesn’t even compare food-wise.
We know some students who have changed majors within Engineering at UCLA, so that is certainly possible. Changing out of the college of engineering at UCSB or UCLA is not hard, but you may be behind in prerequisites if you wait too long to do so.
For hands on work, at UCSB there is an optional machine shop class for MEs and the freshman design course gives them the opportunity to design and build a robot. In the last couple years there are some electives such as a class that creates an Arduino controlled robot built from Legos. Plus the big capstone project that covers the entire senior year.
UCLA has some great club programs for hands on experience and that seems to be the expectation there that students will get involved with those. There are also some 1 or 2 unit courses for 1st year students where they can build things. Our son was involved in a great club program for MEs called FADE that far exceeded our expectations.

@Gumbymom so I found one problem in my application. So as I came from another country, I had to take one semester of ELD in my sophomore year. But when I fill out the application, it was named ELD II in the system for that year and it was the only thing in the system but my transcript names it ELD III even when they are the same things. Where should I contact UCLA about it and how bad is this problem to my admission?

@WilliamCollege: Seems very minor and should not be an issue but send them an email to make them aware there is a course discrepancy name on the transcript. Always better safe than sorry.

@Gumbymom I sent an email through this website: https://www.admission.ucla.edu/ContactForm/NewBruins.aspx
But I am wondering if there is like a direct email I can send. Also should I call them to make sure tomorrow?


Thank you so much for sharing your situation and I have to say I agree whole heartedly. Sadly there are a lot of misconceptions out there about the college admissions process.

@WiliiamCollege: I would call them to follow up if you prefer.

@Gumbymom also that ELD course was written twice in the application in that semester because it was taken in two periods but UC application doesn’t allow the entry of the same courses so should I contact about that too? (it doesn’t affect any gpa or anything though, just that my school’s system is too messy)

@WilliamCollege: If you already sent an email regarding the incorrect course description, then i would not send another email. If you do not send that email yet, you could mention that the course is taken in 2 periods so they are aware. Again not going to be an isssue.

@youcee THANK YOU! This is great info!!! I really appreciate it!!!

hi @10s4life I have a question that I’m hoping you can answer. I was accepted (!!!) OOS and I really want to go visit the campus for Bruin Day. I was wondering if UCLA offers a fly out program for accepted students because I am not sure that I have the money to afford a flight. thank you!

Hello @10s4life I was looking back at my UC application and I noticed that I did not report a non-transferable class that I took at a community college. I was recently admitted, and I am wondering if this should be cause for concern. Is it significant enough to send admissions an email? Thanks!

@stress23 There is an overnight stay and majority of them receive travel vouchers

@seniorszn2023 It doesn’t make a difference but to be safe I’d send them an email.

Does UCLA send physical letters/packages of admission? It’d fun to open something in the mail

@Luyanzzz My daughter is a freshman and has transferred majors already within the college of letters and science. It has not been hard.

This link is your best bet to find roomates. It has over 1,000 members already. The “official one” run by UCLA is too small so I’d suggest joining this one if you’re seriously looking. Typical roomate posts have a brief intro and some pictures. Random is fine but choosing can be a good way to have a friend you’ll get along with from the start. https://www.facebook .com/groups/346815395827094/?ref=share

Remove the space in it.