UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

Did anyone get the Alumni letter yet? They said they will notify via email on 3/26 if your application is advanced to the next step

@Nhatrang I haven’t gotten it yet, I’m guessing it will come out later this afternoon like the alumni scholarship invitations did (about 2:30 pst?)

@BeCheap4me2 yes! a 940, but apparently she lied about her extracurriculars and exaggerated her financial state in her application, soooo

@911Yellow Me too! I got a 1270, which is way below average and I was accepted, but I honestly think it was because of my essays since I didn’t really include a lot of extracurriculars either.

@10s4life @gumpysmom
or anyone that can help me for the matter! I know bruin day is a great experience but my mom is busy and there is no one else that can go with me. i’m in state, would you suggest me go by myself?

Any one from Florida, accepted and considering to go to UCLA ?

@collegeappsznnn Yes lots go by themselves! You’ll have a great time

@10s4life I just wanted to thank you for all of the insight you have provided into UCLA! It’s been a tremendous help for me as my son decides what school to attend. He was accepted to UCLA as an undeclared engineering major! While he is very excited about the prospect of attending such a prestigious school, he’s also a bit hesitant because of the size of the school (he attends a small charter school). He had his heart set on LMU, but the cost of attendance is out of our budget. He was invited to a weekend stay at UCLA which he will attend, and hopefully get a feel for the campus. I think it would be beneficial for him to see how he can make the campus feel smaller and more like a community to which he belongs. I think he’s afraid of getting lost in the crowd. What are your thoughts on making the adjustment to college life and feeling like you belong? Thank you!

@jrncyn Hello from Florida!! Congratulations!!
I am at exactly same situation about my son. I am not sure if it is wise (financially) to chose UCLA over a free seat at UF
Thank you @10s4life for sharing lot of information to us.

@IndianAmerican As much as I’d vouch for UCLA unless you’ve got the money, I’d take the free education at UF it’s a great school and your son will have a blast there. You can gift him the money or invest what you would’ve spent on UCLA. But it’s a personal call.

@jrncyn congrats! Undeclared Engineering is the toughest major to get into at UCLA engineering because he gets the choice of all of them. It’s like getting admitted to every single major. So props to him. It’s natural to be hesitant in the size. But UCLA does a great job making the school smaller. At orientation they encourage meeting new people by not providing nametags so everyone is forced to start remembering names from the beginning. The dorms are an easy way to meet people too since 95% of freshman live on campus and everyone is in one small area. Clubs and sports are also good ways to meet people. Personally I went through fraternity rush during zero week and met many of my best friends on campus both guys and girls through the greek system. You can always make a big school small you can’t make a small school big. I thought I wouldn’t know very many people but you can’t go on campus without seeing someone you know on campus. He will be fine. And the campus stayover program should help a lot. Which one did he get invited to? If it’s out of state then there are travel vouchers available.

@10s4life as always excellent suggestion, thank you!!

@10s4life Do you have any stats of how many admits per engineering discipline or the total engineering school as a whole?

@worriedcat That will be publicly released in late fall. But going off of last years numbers it should be about an 11% acceptance rate with a 4.0 UW gpa median.

@IndianAmerican Thank you and congratulations to your son, too! Good luck to him wherever he chooses to go!

@10s4life Wow, there must be very few admits with a B or two since the median is the same as max for UW GPA. That is super competitive. Thanks!

@10s4life Thank you again for the great information you are providing to all of us! We are in state so no vouchers are needed for the overnight stay :smile: He was invited to Bruin Life Weekend sponsored by PREP. He will also be attending Discover Engineering and is very excited about that. Now the only thing he needs to do is decide on the engineering discipline he wants to study! I truly appreciate your posts! You are a great representation of UCLA!

@jrncyn Of course! I hope he enjoys it! Btw what’s PREP? I’m not familiar with that program. Maybe you’ll end up on one of my campus tours at discover engineering.

@Gumbymom So I got back a response back from UCLA saying that the name thing is noted and will not affect anything. I have a silly question but was there a + or - option for grades in UC application like A+ or A-? I notice my application having no + or - and just letters.

@WilliamCollege for the app there is no +/- that changes once you become a Bruin