UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

OOS Acceptance

She is shocked as are her parents.

Admitted: UCLA UCI UCSC USD George Mason DePaul VCU


Not admitted: UCSD

She took a Gap Year and volunteered in Africa & Asia because she wanted to apply OOS with a stronger application instead of just accepting the IS last year.

It was hard for her as friends left for college but it worked out. Like the rest of you worked her bum off and earned admission.

Are most of you going to UCLA or do you have other choices and what are you doing if waitlisted?

wow, interesting data! yield rate for engineering school last year is 30.8% but only 21.6% for CS and 21.9% for CSE. perhaps they were too harsh and most highly qualified applicants ended up going elsewhere :neutral:

ACCEPTED!!! Go bruins :slight_smile:

Out-of-state applicant
No Hooks

Major: Gender Studies
34 ACT
770 Spanish
4.69 W GPA

12 AP classes: Human Geo, Spanish Lang, Lit, Lang, GovPol, US History, Psychology, Chinese, Euro, Calc, Enviro, & CompSci Principles

Spanish Lang, Psychology: 5
Lit, Lang, GovPol, Human Geo: 4

EC: school’s spanish club president, president of hospital volunteer group, lead roles in musical theater/plays all 4 years of HS, first-chair cellist in school orchestra, school choir member, work at juice bar for 3 years, gender equality event participant, writer for school yearbook, DECA club state qualifier

Awards: AP Scholar with distinction, National Hispanic Merit Scholar, 5 National Honor Societies, Beta Club Member, National Scholastic Press Association

Essays: Leadership: experience in Spanish Club, Creative Side: journey with the cello, Greatest Skill: social media savvy, Academic Subject That Inspires Me: gender studies and how my Hispanic family plays into that passion of mine

ETC: Did a summer program at UCLA summer of freshman year

@California1919 I am so sorry that you’re heartbroken, rejection is difficult no matter the situation.

You have a options on how to get through this moment. First, you can choose to go someplace else.
Next, you can go to CC and transfer in Junior year.

Or you can do what my daughter did when she didn’t apply to her top school last year, she took a Gap year. We called UCSB admissions, had an admissions advisor look at her stats. He told us where she was weak and what could be stronger.

We asked if a Gap Year would make her a stronger applicant and he said yes as long as she was doing something related to her major. She couldn’t take any college courses (anywhere) and the gap program couldn’t be for college credit.

Last night she found out she was waitlisted for UCSB and Pepperdine.

She was rejected UCSD


There is no rhyme or reason to where you’ll land but wherever it is it should feel like home.

I know it’s hard but if there a will there’s a way. Trust me, you’ve got this!

I also got in for neuroscience!!! I’m super excited, and I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone!! ,if I can afford it lol I’m oos

does anyone know how many kids that do undergrad at UCLA are later admitted to law school? i really want to go to law school and one of my other choices has an amazing advising program in order for students to get into law school but I haven’t really heard anything about UCLA. if someone could answer this is would seriously help my decision.

Hi my daughter got accepted into UCLA, UCSD, and UCSB. We are still waiting for a few other schools. Is there any advantage of accepting early while we wait for the other decisions which should happen by next week? I know we would forego the deposit if she changes her mind. She had preferred a smaller school, but still excited she got into UCLA. UCSD seems to have a better fit for her from a curriculum as they seem to offer more interdisciplinary programs. Also there are the separate colleges at UCSD that might give it a smaller school feel we think. But it’s hard to pass up on UCLA. Any advice would be appreciated.


Make sure you join the **UCLA Class of 2024 - Official Group ** Facebook page that is run by UCLA Housing. There is a link to it on your acceptance portal.

There is another FB page run by a third party (StudentHub) not affiliated with UCLA. Last month, before admissions were announced, they added 1000 members who are NOT students to make it look active. Don’t post any personal information on that FB page.

Bitter much? There’s no rhyme or reason to this process. Congratulate those that got in and accept your rejection and move on.

@DoggyLuver Thanks for the revenue.

Son got waitlisted at UCLA

SAT - 1380
GPA - 4.46 (Weithted), 3.81 (UW), few ECs

Future reference for Out of State Folks:

OOS Son was accepted bioengineering;
GPA- 4.0(U/W) 4.3(W using UC scale); 4.75W (normal scale)
ACT- 35. 1x, no superscore; SAT Math II 800; SAT Math I 790; SAT Bio (M) 780
APs- Five by grad; Spanish (5) and Stats (5).; Bio, Comp. Sci. and B/C Calc in May 2020
EC: Ton of volunteering to tutor ESL kids, Mentor in HS, interned at lab at JHU, etc.
Sports: club soccer team captain; varsity track.

Accepted: BME/Bioengineering at UNC Chapel Hill; UVa; NCSU, UCSD, UCSB. Waiting on a final few next week.

Congratulations to everyone that was accepted and best of luck to everyone that did not get the answer they wanted. Good luck and congratulations on wherever your studies lead you.

Daughter got waitlisted

Mechanical Engineering Major

Private School

UW 4.0/W 4.5
ACT 34

Weird letter…it told her she was rejected, but if she wanted to go on the waitlist, she could. So she signed up for the waitlist. Kind of a turn-off for her the way it was written, but again, she didn’t hesitate to sign up for the waitlist.

@JMPStressed Congratulations! I don’t think there is much advantage to SIR early. It would be best to just wait and weigh all the options.

My daughter will be going to UCLA for sure as UCLA has been her number 1 dream school but still, we will just wait until she has fully received decisions from all the other schools.

My son is a junior at UCLA, and one thing he keeps telling me I would like to share: He says whenever he comes home to meet up with friends who have gone to other schools, quite a few of them are unhappy. However, he says almost everyone he knows who goes to UCLA seems very satisfied and happy. He keeps telling me there is no place like UCLA in terms of academics, dining halls, surroundings, top celebrities showing up all the time, etc. etc.

Anyway, just wanted to share because we as parents want our kids to have an amazing college experience and I know my son is already having that … and excited to see my little girl experience that next year.

This is great! I especially love the “top celebrities showing up all the time.”

@lkg4answers Hahaha. He loves it. He went to watch the last Avengers movie with some 1500 other UCLA students which in itself is so exciting. Then at the end of the movie, he said everyone quieted down and this one guy stood up and said, “Hey guys, thank you for coming to my movie!” It was the director. LOL. He says to me, “Where else can you get this?” Academically it is challenging, but he just loves the whole experience of UCLA.

Accepted for CS OOS!!!

Female, 35 ACT, 1560 SAT, 800 Math II and 730 Physics lol, 4.00 UW/5.00 W (idk about UC)

Have alumni scholarships come out yet? My award letter isn’t even ready yet so I might have done something wrong with the FAFSA. Super excited either way, it’s just expensive OOS.

My oldest is finishing up at UCSD and is graduating in June. My middle just got into UCLA. Both are amazing schools and I think that she cannot go wrong at either. My oldest is a Molecular Bio major and has been working in a lab since freshman year. And already has a full-time job in the lab waiting for him. SD is surrounded by opportunities for lab experiences, Scripps, UCSD Medical and so much biotech that for students who want lab experience, I think that can outweigh UCLA. That being said, it depends on what her major is. Congratulations to her on having to make this tough decision, she won’t regret either.

@JMPStressed Echoing @Heyryan227 Everyone I know at ucla cant wait to go back while home for breaks. There’s a campus culture that really is hard to describe. Many students, despite the move to online classes, are opting to return to apartments/dorms when spring quarter does resume. I was also at the avengers movie with a bunch I friends and the whole theater was filled with Bruins. It’s a great vibe on campus.

Moderator’s Note:
In regards to the poster that was posting inappropriate statements towards applicants who were admitted for being oos or international: this kind of repeated behavior will not be tolerated on CC and especially not in the UCLA Forums. This goes exactly against the True Bruin Values. Any posts degrading an applicant’s admission will not be tolerated. Thanks for understanding and to those affected by this poster, please don’t listen to them. Congrats and go Bruins!