UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

Hi there! The information you have received from previous replies is incorrect. As a first year Bruin myself, I sought to double major in CS, not being fully aware of the plausibility when applying. I have direct myUCLA email proof from an engineering counselor informing me of the possibility. In order to switch from the college of L&S to Engineering, you must complete at least 2 quarters of a science and math curriculum they have laid out, 2-3 quarters for CS depending on your math level placement, and you must receive a certain grade point average on your science and math courses as well as your overall. However, once you complete their requirements, the counselor told me that they have yet to deny anyone who has completed the requirements. So apply to the school you feel most reflects your strengths and interests. Also take note, that there are various majors that also combine CS such as the mathematics of computation, computational and systems biology, etc. Best of luck!

I was looking at the UC statewide guarantee and the admissions index score that pops up. It is out of 300 and it basically tells you if you are in the top 9% of California high school students or not. What is considered a good score in that case? Anything above 270+ or would it need to be more? Also if you are in the top 9%, can it help you get into some of the better UCs?

@AmTand: You can use this link and score calculator to determine your UC score. It will tell you if you are top 9% statewide vs local.


As for a UC score, it does depend upon the UC GPA and Test scores. I plugged in some numbers and got as low as a 224 score to still make the top 9 % of state.

ELC (top 9 % local- HS) is a consideration in all UC application reviews but it only guarantees that if you do not get into your choice campuses, your application will be deferred to the default campus (UC Merced) if there is room.

14 areas of criteria for UC application review link:


@TheAcademicKing No one said you can’t switch from L&S to CS in the school of engineering. However it is very very slim chances. The people who do switch are typically near the top of the curve because the engineering reqs to switch to CS are very difficult and higher than the normal 3.5 switch which is still hard. Remember 3.6X+ is cum laude and 3.5+ is guaranteed admission to the MS program. CS 31 and CS32 are curved to B-s on average which means you have to be way above the curve to get the grades needed to switch. The sequence is also 3 quarters long not 2 because you must complete CS31, CS32, and CS33 which takes 1 year min because each is a prerequisite for each other and none can be skipped by an AP exam. Not impossible but very hard for a typical Bruin. That’s why it’s smartest to apply for CS right out of high school if that’s what you want. Bait and switch doesn’t work. Also this applies to any major in engineering starting with Computer. Letters and Science doesn’t take major into account so “strengths” doesn’t matter there cause everyone applies as a college there.

My D switched from L&S to chem E but as said, it was not easy. She started out as a pre-math major so that helped as she was taking the same prerequisites as many eng students from the start. She took cs31 instead of the cs for math majors and that class alone almost blew her chances, very hard and time intensive. She applied for the switch fall of sophomore year with the required gpa and got accepted before fall grades came out, which would have disqualified her. Remember your grades are curved compared to many other brilliant students that were accepted directly and some classes give very few A’s. B’s bring your gpa down lower than the cut off to transfer. It can be done but you should also be prepared to stay in L&S if it doesn’t,

@Gumbymom Do you know any instances where an applicant is deferred to UCR instead of UC Merced? I only ask because my D is ELC statewide and each of the UCs she applied to is a reach but Merced does not have the major she applied to or any she is interested in. (Sorry if this is off-topic for this thread.)

@MommaCat: See my PM.

Does anyone know when interview invites went out last year for UCLA TFT? I see where in the past few years interviews were conducted in February but anyone when they notify typically? Thanks

@cruzanlady What program for UCLA TFT are you referring to? My D applied to MT and has scheduled her audition for February.

@MommaCat I’m guessing she is talking about the film program - is that right @cruzanlady ? I’d be interested to know that too. Also, does everyone being considered for admission to the film program get interviewed?

@MommaCat , @CAtransplant --yes the Film/Television program. I’m not sure how many interviews they grant. I think I read on some old thread in the past they would grant like 40-45 interviews?? No idea… just wondering when they might come. Seems like last year actual interviews were held in February…so maybe invites end of Jan/Early Feb??? Just curious

@cruzanlady I found this thread from 2016 where someone was saying their child hadn’t received a request for interview by Feb. 8 and someone else thought the interview requests were all out by around then - but then that person’s child got admitted without ever having been asked to interview and someone else interviewed and was not admitted so I guess you never know! http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/discussion/comment/19272421#Comment_19272421

@CAtransplant thanks for tracking that down…so I guess we still know nothing, LOL. Okie dokie will just wait…

@cruzanlady ha ha - right!

What does UCLA do for applicants who had a significant challenge that negatively impacted their GPA? For a point of reference, I have a 4.11 weighted GPA, but I know it’s nearly impossible to get into UCLA with that. However, my autism gave me difficulties with regard to staying focused. 1450 SAT. Would you say I have a shot or am I kind of screwed if I took about 80% of the big APs and Honors at my high school?

@Gumbymom would you mind sharing your thoughts on this? I am in a similar boat (but with a lower GPA of 4.05). I had some serious (physical) health problems my sophomore year that caused me to miss 3 months of school and resulted in a less rigorous courseload than many. My ACT is meh (32). I did take the opportunity to explain my health issue in the additional information section (my counselor explained it to my common app schools). I am just wondering if such a low GPA will likely mean an automatic pass at a place that received 110,000 applications . . . . or do they really take the time for a holisitic review? I think my personal insight questions were really reflective of who I am and what I am capable of, but will UCLA even make it that far?

@separatelayer: UCLA does not have a minimum GPA/test score threshold where your application will not reviewed other than checking to see if you meet the minimum UC GPA application requirement of 3.0 in-state or 3.4 for OOS and will have the minimum a-g course requirements completed by end of Senior year.

Your application will be reviewed in its entirety so if UCLA needs any further elaboration regarding your health issues, they will notify you via the student portal for an augmented review. Under the augmented/supplemental review, you want to address any obstacles that have prevented you from achieving your full academic potential. Identify issues that may concern UCLA, such as discrepancies between grades and test scores or fluctuation in grades, and address them. You can also submit updated Senior grades an possibly an LOR or other documentation to substantiate your claims.

@Gumbymom thank you very much. This is reassuring. I have not been notified of an augmented review (yet), but almost hope I am selected for it because at least then I will know they are taking a hard look at my application.

Does anyone have any idea of when decisions will be released?

@optimisticbear Third Friday in March