UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Truly sorry to hear that. Trust it will still be an enriching experience for you son!

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Thank you. He was admitted last year as well. I did not know until later that he left it off his college applications. He said he though it did not matter since it was cancelled because of Covid. :woman_shrugging:

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The draft vaccination policy has just been released today and includes non-medical (ie religious) exceptions, see UC encourages COVID-19 vaccinations for university communities while reviewing policy requirements | University of California and the policy itself https://universityofcalifornia.edu/sites/default/files/review-draft-sars-cov-2-vaccination-program-participation-policy-04212021.pdf

It indicates there will be additional requirements such as quarantine and testing for unvaccinated people. And I expect there will now be a big fight as efforts are made to tighten up the scope of permitted exemptions.

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My guess is that they eventually will only allow medical exemptions.

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Forgive me, haven’t read the entire thread and started from the most recent. Did your son get accepted to TFT? My daughter is a junior and will apply to the program in the fall. Her brother is graduating in June and UCLA feels like home to her, too.

No. He did not apply to TFT. He did musical theater for years but now he just dances, a lot, as a pretty serious hobby. (He was admitted to CSSSA for dance.)He has many older friends from his theater company at TFT.

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Got it. I plugged in BA for Acting in the search bar and found this thread by accident. Thank you and good luck to him (and his twin?) where ever they go to college!

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They are both going to Cal Poly SLO. And they have a dance minor there. Neither was admitted to UCLA although neither really wanted to go. I should unfollow this thread but I have a sentimentality for UCLA because I attended.

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SLO is wonderful, congrats! I did, too, briefly but once a Bruin always a Bruin. Congrats again and take care : )

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The interesting thing is that the exception is narrowly drawn to only allow for “a person’s sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance”. There’s no provision to get an exception based on a “philosophical objection”.


Thanks. My daughter and wife are heading to UCLA this morning after visiting the campus of UCSB yesterday. They especially want to see the dormitory area. We did info session and tour of UCLA campus with my older daughter a couple of years ago that did not include that part of campus. Unfortunately, the trip was during UCLA’s spring break, and the campus was pretty quiet. It did not connect with my daughter at the time. My younger daughter has an acceptance in hand, so really hope today she gets a feeling whether she is at home!

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Thanks for the info. Since this is closer the dorms, it looks like a good starting point for my daughter since seeing that area is a priority on this trip.

Thanks for everything! I still don’t know whether UCLA or Berkeley, so if anyone has opinions on Physics undergraduates in the respective universities, feel free to reply to me!

Is it common for students to bring their own printer?

U can print on the hill on a pay per sheet basis. That’s easier since so much things are electronic. If you bring a printer be prepared to be the “dorm floor go to” for printing. I had a printer and always found myself letting people print.

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S is deciding between UCLA and one other school. My question is regarding AP tests. He listed on his UC app that he would be taking them. When the high school announced the changes in the AP test dates, he opted not to take two tests which will be held after his graduation date. If he commits to UCLA, we were told that he needs to notify admissions that he will not be taking these tests. Will this affect his admissions standing if he doesn’t take the tests? Could he be rescinded? With the other university he is considering, they do not allow course credit for the tests he’s opted out of, so there is no impact there. I was a bit surprised that UCLA was so lenient compared to other universities when it comes to course credits for AP test scores. If needed, he would take the AP tests for UCLA, however, it is questionable whether he can register with his high school at this late date.

There’s a change form you fill to tell them you don’t plan to take the AP exam. As long as you don’t drop the classes you had planned on the application and submit the change form, you should be fine.

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Are you sure UCLA is giving as much AP credit as you think? My daughter is receiving AP credit for 1 class and she will have taken 13 AP tests. You might want to double check with the department. She is engineering.

Clarification: credit may be given but it might not apply to major and GEs.

AP credit is tricky business. My son got 6 classes of AP credit towards his GEs and major at SLO but needs 200 units to graduate in engineering! It’s almost a wash!

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