UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Test scores are not utilized this year for Regents consideration.

Do you know if UCLA sends regents invitations out in waves based on in state and out of state?


Are all the invites out? Are OOS emails sent? Thx.

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where is the web link for the scholarship portal?

Assuming not, but does anyone know if completing FAFSA is a prerequisite to being considered for regents? My daughter got an email requesting that she complete financial aid/FAFSA at same time as regents came out.

Our Opportunities - UCLA Prospective Undergraduate Student Scholarships (academicworks.com)

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I think that financial aid email went to all UC applicants at the same time.

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not FAFSA. In our scholarship portal, Regents is listed as recommended, but it says to complete the general application to apply under Actions.

I believe Regents emails go out at the same time for all applicants under consideration.

Could someone do me a favor and briefly explain/describe what these Regents scholarships are? Does every applicant get invited to apply, or how selective are they? And do invitations often correlate to eventual acceptance?

Thanks sm, I’m lost in the sauce rn

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Going by past indications, the regents email is sent to the top 1-2% of applicants and generally implies admittance.

A very small percentage of top applicants are invited to apply for Regents scholarships. You must be invited in order to apply. Most, if not all, people who are invited are generally accepted for admission. But, in the end, most people who are accepted were not invited to apply.

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Does yours (and any other who has received the Regents invites) come from some specific person or from the UCLA office of scholarship? Check the email header FROM:

Can regents recipient confirm if they also received the alumni invite?

anyone from OOS receive it?

I didn’t receive regents, but I did receive the alumni email and supplemental questionnaire.

Not that I can find.

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Does anybody know if there will be one more wave of emails today or tomorrow?
I received the alumni email, supplemental questionnaire, and the regents scholarship shows up in my scholarship portal as “recommended” however I didn’t receive an email.
It’s a bit misleading if UCLA puts up the Regents scholarship application on your portal but doesn’t send any emails, it got my hopes up for nothing LOL

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Does it matter whether the email comes from a person or UCLA office of scholarships? Like what does each case mean