UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Any applicants of Engineering major (EE, Bio Engr, ME, CS…) got invitation for Regents Scholarship from UCLA?

I think this question was answered here recently but couldn’t find it.

For the Alumni award ranging from $6,000 to $20,000 - is this the total amount to be given in equal payments in 4 years. Or is this amount a yearly amount.

@mmrl8794 four years

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i just got the alumni scholarship email for a second time, the first time was in january. does this mean something

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I got it too. It was a reminder to apply.

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I think today’s was a reminder and went to to everyone who got it before.

i have two friends who applied who got the alumni email the first time but not this time. honestly have no idea lol


Son received Alumni invite first time in his Inbox folder. Today, he received it in Junk mail folder. And I don’t think this means anything :blush:
Just saying if you didn’t get it today, check Junk folder.

I have twins and just checked with the other one. One twin got the reminder and the other did not. Close to identical stats and classes taken in HS. The one who got the reminder has more leadership in ECs. But who knows if this means anything.

thank you

one of my friends just got it – probably being sent out in waves tn

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I would not be surprised if that was the case.

I got the Alumni scholarship email the first time but didn’t receive anything today (apart from an “explore campus life” email).

Did you submit your application? My D21 did and did not get a reminder today. Likely since she already submitted.

I haven’t yet submitted it; I just started it.

I received both emails, but I haven’t submitted anything yet. The only thing I’ve turned in recently was my supplemental questionnaire.

The reminder said if you already applied, thank you, and please disregard.

it is just a general email, it doesn’t mean anything

Anyone who applied in major engineering (EE, Bio Engr, CS, ME,…) and got invitation for regents scholarship from UCLA ?

I did not get an explore campus general email. Even checked my junk. Maybe I’m already declined. I’m most certain I’m not UCLA material, but I had to try.