UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

My impression is no. Admissions gives the Alumni Association a list of potential candidates. Other than that, I have been reading here snd elsewhere that there is no communication between the two afterwards. My son the same thing.

The Alumni Assoc (which awards the alumni scholarship) is a separate entity from university admissions. Not turning it in should not impact his chance of admission. Most, if not all, acceptances are probably already decided.

Thank you. I had a moment of panic reading through this chat!

You can look through last year’s threads to get an idea of how many applicants received an invite and were admitted, waitlisted or denied. I posted the links in post 653. UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion - #653 by lkg4answers


Whether you apply or not apply to the scholarships has no effect in your eventual application decision. The only thing that matters is you submitted an app. UCLA doesn’t take any demonstrated interest into account. I know it’s stressful but there’s only a few more weeks of waiting. Best of luck!


My sons did not turn it in They are essayed out and I feel they have little chance of getting it let alone be admitted.


only your application to the school or the application for the alumni scholarship?

From what I understand, once acceptances are confirmed then the scholarship apps are reviewed for those candidates. I turned it in last night but almost decided against it. Completely essayed out at this point and don’t feel like I did a great job. I’m sure my chances are slim to zero.

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Exactly what happened over here. Essayed out and didn’t feel like much chance.


Application to the school. App for scholarships doesn’t matter. All you lose out on by not applying to the scholarship is potential $$$

Ditto, same here for my son. He’s just continuing to apply on external/outside scholarships that can apply to any school he decides to go.
He’s most likely accepting admission for Cal Poly Pomona.


I read either here or on Reddit from someone who used to work in admissions that at least back in 2014 or so, it was something like 60-70%. However, the number of applicants since that time has increased dramatically, so it is going to be a smaller percentage- I’m guessing here but perhaps more like 40-50%? 50-60? :woman_shrugging:t2: My son is in the same situation. Hoping but not banking on it.


My dad always says “Hope for the best but expect the worst!” Seems to be a good mindset for some of these top college admissions!


Yup same here. I think S would’ve filled it out if it weighed on admission even a little, or if he had already been admitted. But I think he is essayed out and is feeling ready to be done with senior year and the application process.


I hope for the best but prepare for the worst. I try not to expect it too much.

Good advice from your father!

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My son, who I believe is a long shot, turned in the app at, I’m not kidding, 11:58 last night. Poor guy, he too is essayed out. He had to forego applying to another schools’ honor program and scholarship; it was just too extensive. Just couldn’t get it all done. It’s really a shame that they need all of this before admissions are even decided. Think of what some kids miss out on because they just can’t put in the time when they don’t even know if they’ll be admitted. But I do think it’s funny thinking about what these essays must look like. How many are the readers scratching their heads trying to figure out how it relates to the prompt? How many are like, what is this kid going on about with all the flowery language; all we asked was __________. I mean my son probably has about four versions of at least three of his essays. Just keep tweaking them. Oy vey.

Good luck all.


@jesse_sgirl Wow that’s a nail biter. Well I can tell you the readers are certainly human and we def empathize with the workload on seniors plates in filling out not just the scholarship application but prob countless other college apps and scholarships. Ultimately a “perfect” essay isn’t what readers look for. It’s seeing the individual. Best of luck to your son.

Also some of the best advice I’ve ever received writing: KISS. Keep it simple stupid. :slight_smile:


Yes though he didn’t get the scholarship and didn’t go to UCLA.

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Just curious, in a typical year (unlike this one :joy:), when does UCLA send out financial aid packages? Is it at the same time as the acceptance letters or after?