UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

I am such an idiot, I did not read the “requirement during the academic year” point. Sorry!

I received it and didn’t not choose the leadership question.

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I thought you had to write both supplemental essays? Also, for the alumni scholarship when submitting it do you have to submit the general application first to be able to access the space to put the essays or am I just blind and not seeing a spot?

My daughter answered both questions. she said the area to enter essay responses is after the general info submitted

@student5010 i think the poster meant that they didn’t pick the leadership prompt that was among the UC PIQ prompts in the general app.

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Are you 100% sure about this? When my older son applied, they required a recommendation.

@Amma1970 No LOR that I or my son could see. It wasn’t on the invite email, either. He used the link on the invite and when he submitted, it looked like he got a confirmation for the activities section and one for the essay section.

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Thank you. Mine already submitted but was wondering since he didn’t see the recommendation request and I had told him he needed one from when my older one had done it. I am glad that is not the case though he had asked one of his recommenders just in case.

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Did you fill out the alumni scholarship for UCLA?

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if UCLA Art Department going to send an invitation to the art house to prospective applicants this year.
Due to covid19 I’m not sure if school want people to come.

Anybody know?
And also,
Anybody know approximately when they sent those letters previous years? Ex.mid March

This is seriously messed up…


Scroll up. The scholarship confusion.

Just curious, you mentioned your older one received the alumni scholarship invite, did he get accepted to UCLA as well later on? Wanted to see if this has a correlation with the acceptance :slight_smile:

@Suave123 Yes there is correlation with admission solely because criteria for alumni scholarship invites mirrors that of the normal admissions process. It’s not enough to say there is causation though.

For those of you worried about attending events, UCLA does not track demonstrated interest for admission. It’s the most applied to school in the Western Hemisphere. They don’t care/have the resources to track who attends what outreach events. For the alumni scholarships, if there are any engagement events they also don’t matter. Only your application does.


yes, you do have to answer both questions. When I said I didn’t choose to answer the leadership question, I was referring to the 8 options for the PIQ UC application. Someone said above that they thought if you chose to answer the leadership question in your PIQs, you would get the invitation for the alumni scholarship. In the scholarship application I did answer both questions including the one on leadership. However, I’m pretty essayed out so starting to feel redundant.

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10s4life, Any idea what percentage of those invited apply for alumni scholarship ultimately get admitted?

@TwoforT Last known leaked data was years ago and was about 60% of the invited pool got in. Things surely have changed since then. Since decisions are only a couple weeks away I don’t think it’s worth stressing over at this point.


This sounds ridiculous as I type it, but my son got an invite for the Alumni Scholarship and didn’t turn it in. Does anyone know if they take that into consideration when finalizing acceptance decisions?