UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

does anyone have an idea of when decisions come out?

Usually UCLA announces on the 3rd Friday of March. So we’re looking at 3/19 this year:-)

thank you!!


Decisions will be out 3/19. Financial aid is typically released 1-2 days later. Alumni scholarships the week after


Did they announce it? that’s good news!

Maybe I shouldn’t read into it but in my application portal, I just noticed my status is “application received”, not “pending review” or the like. What’s in you all’s portal?

Mine has said application received for a while I think

How do you know?

I applied to the art school too. I’m hoping they send out invitations this year because it’s a good indication of your decision. I’m not sure if it’ll happen because of COVID… but maybe they will have a virtual event? Last I read people received them on the 15th.

Alumni association announced it but it’s not a surprise it’s been that Friday for years now


So yours is not saying “application received” now? What’s your status now?

Hey all, I’m a little bit freaking out. What’s you all’s application status? My portal still says “application received” instead of “under review”, does it mean there’s something missing from my application or what? Should I contact AO?

Pretty sure everyone’s portal says “application received”. Mine does.


Simply says “Application Received” for us


Ok that’s a relief… Thanks @snoopy2025 and @NewParentCA!

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I’m looking at this and it’s been this way for a while now.

"Dear :goat:,

We are happy to have received your application for Fall Quarter 2021 admission to UCLA!

Over the next few months we will be busy reviewing freshman applications. If, during the course of our review, we find that we need any additional information, we will contact you by e-mail. We plan to release admission decisions in late March.

In the meantime, please visit our site for applicants where you will find more information on the application process. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Thank you for your interest in UCLA. Go Bruins!

UCLA Undergraduate Admission"

That’s all it says.


Yeah I agree…
thank you for the last year’s information
By the way did you ever get any promo email from art admission directly?

Please don’t read into what your profiles “say”. UCLA IT staff are professionals and they don’t leave hints for people to “predict” their admission decision ahead of time. The only time the words on your applicant profile matter is when decisions are released to the public.

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I didn’t…no communication from UCLA at all, which is another reason I’m freaking out

I didn’t. How about you?