UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Thank you! Good luck to everyone today!!


@Gumbymom — for in-state fully weighted UC GPA, what years are used? Still just 10th and 11th?

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For all applicants, only 10-11th grades for the a-g courses are used. So classes taken the summer before 10th to the summer before 12th are included in the GPA calculation. 9th grades are reviewed to determine if the a-g courses are completed with passing grades but not used in the calculation.

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I’m curious where you found the info regarding the OOS students not receiving the 1 point bump. I was given conflicting info. Thanks so much.

@LDL Its a uc policy. Readily available on the uc website and other uc advice websites. Type in “uc gpa calculation out of state” on Google, it should show a calculator to use and other policy stuff.

You can find the info here. There is a sentence specifically about nonresidents.

Or here: Out-of-state students | UC Admissions

does anyone know the time that ucla decisions came out last year?

They came out at 5-5:30 PST

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Someone call the admissions office and ask. They will tell you. I would but I’m grounded so i dont have my phone.


I don’t think they’d outright tell you. This would be to avoid portal overload and shutdown.


Thanks for the info.

I had thought that the honors courses would get the 1 point bump if they were on the approved UC list for OOS students.

I called UNC and the lady basically told me without telling me for EA. She was like check at 5pm buddy or something like that. It couldn’t hurt!

Hey guys! Good luck to all today fingers crossed we will hear soon… I saw some people discussing a supplemental questionnaire some students received and how if you did not receive the email you were seemingly an automatic reject or automatic acceptance. I haven’t really been keeping up with this thread but I did not receive that email however I did receive the invite to apply for the alumni scholarship back in January which apparently not everyone receives so I was wondering if in your opinions is that at all indicative of a possible acceptance? Thanks!!

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We were just joking around. There is no concrete info about any indication. Let’s see what happens in a few hours anyway.

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Does your HS have a pre-approved list of UC Honors courses? I know some OOS HS’s were trying to get their Honors courses approved but according to the website: There is no pre-approved course list for schools outside of California.

There’s no reason to even think about this now. It’s over in like 7 hours. J Chill.

I honestly don’t know for sure. Thanks again for taking the time to answer all the questions.

Good luck to everyone!

True, any improvement to increase the odds should have been done two years ago. Let’s wait and see the verdicts soon.

is anyone’s portal down?