UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

My sister didn’t get the email, but I did. So, they aren’t sending it to everyone.


I’m confused. How do people know that starting last year UCLA sends the Alumni Scholarship email to everyone?

From last year’s thread, it was not sent to everyone…

You may want to ask your sister to check her spam mailbox.
BTW, how do you compare to your sister on academic stats? I am just curious about the selectivity of this emailing.

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Probably a stupid question but is this for just in state or can OOS get this scholarship as well?

My son received the email on UCLA Alumni scholarship. If this was sent to a selective group, I’m a bit surprised Lol :blush: His stats are just ok, and not excellent for UC level. Capped WGPA 3.97, Not capped WGPA 4.34 (a lot of APs and CC courses). His major is CompSci, so we applied to UCs without expecting anything, just trying our luck. He does have a unique EC (sport since 5yo) and very pointy cause he won first place in international competition. And a few other ECs with ‘depth’. His essays are good, but I don’t think it’s stellar.

Also, our hope is he gets in to the high-ranking CSUs. I think he fits better in CSUs, but still keeping our options open for UC “in case” he gets in.

The UCLA Alumni scholarship deadline is March 5 - is there any remote chance that UCLA will release decisions before March 5th?

I have a hard time believing that UCLA ever sent the alumni scholarship invitation to every single one of their 100,000 applicants. I read that 40-50% of invitees usually end up applying, which means 40,000+ apps! The alums reading the apps and conducting up to 3 rounds of interviews for each candidate are former winners, which means that they are some of the most cherished alums. Why would UCLA abuse their goodwill this way?

Reading doesn’t start until after admissions are released. Rejections and waitlisted students are binned. So it’s 40% of at most 13K admits to be read. And I’m not convinced that 40% would still apply if the email was sent to everyone. It’s hard to compare stats with a couple of years ago. It might be arguable whether every single applicant has received the email (and some are undoubtedly lost), but it certainly seems it was distributed much more widely in 2020 and 2021.

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it’s definitely not all applicants. But it is also not a correlation for acceptance because the alumni association chooses the applicants, not the admission office.

Someone up-thread said that the alum scholarship is awarded more for ECs and essays while the Regent is more for academics. Though I am sure you need to be excellent in all areas in order to win either one.

So if it’s not sent to all, what’s the criteria

Regent is also holistic like alumni scholarship invitations. I know a guy who had a 3.8 got the regent invitation (of course he probably had a fantastic ec and essay). However, regent is chosen by the admission office (thus the applicant is accepted) and very very few people get the email.

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I found the reddit thread I got my info from Reddit - Dive into anything

Are you sure they don’t start reading until after admissions are released? The I thought I saw somewhere that they let you know if you got the scholarship a few days after you are accepted to UCLA, but I may be wrong…

I can’t speak for the school or predict their timing. I can only share what our experience was last year. We received the email announcing that the Alumni Scholarship was open the day before we received the email about Regents. The first Regents email from UCLA came from someone’s personal UCLA email address. I think that was a mistake and two hours later, we received another one with the same exact wording from Financial Aid and Scholarships. The second looked more professional and included graphics.

I don’t know how the Alumni and Regents announcements relate but I think it was more than a coincidence that the UCLA Regents invite came out within minutes of the UCB acceptances.

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I believe it is sent to students who exhibited some sort of leadership through their ECs and essays. Whereas regent is purely based on academics. (GPA, test scores, etc)

May I know what you mean by ‘the Alumni Scholarship was open’? Were you not able to access the form until the day before the regents announcement or you received the alumni scholarship email just the day before the regents announcement? Sorry, I’m a little confused :slight_smile:

Received email and OOS

No, one was not able to apply for the Alumni Scholarship until the day that they opened the application. I had bookmarked the page from the year before and couldn’t open the application until the day that the email was sent out.

If I recall correctly, last year some kids didn’t receive the email but they could still access the application and apply for the Alumni Scholarship. Regents, however, needs a student specific code to submit the application.

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Last year the Alumni Association website was seeking readers (not limited to Alumni scholars, just any alumni) and had details of reading dates. I don’t think it’s still up there but they may do the same in a month or so.

This would make sense for my D21, who received the Alumni scholarship email. I think her EC’s (w/leadership) and essays are strong.