UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

thanks! after getting into ucsb, waitlisted at uci, and receiving both the alumni email and supplemental questionnaire from ucla, who knows what’ll happen

Accepted to both UCI and UCSB. I hope UCLA pulls through for me.


Same. I got both too.

Me too. I hope it’s a good sign

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the weather does.


140000 freshman I saw from another post. The rest transfers.


wondering what would be the acceptance rate considering the record high applicants this year

i calculated around 8% but it may be 10%

Accepted to Uci, UCSB, and UC Davis (with regents) so hoping for good results from UCLA as well.

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For freshman applicants it was just under 140K your number includes transfer students…Admit rate will be below 10%…

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I did a rough estimate using the numbers and historic yield from last year. Acceptance rate will be around 11%, possibly lower if their models show yield will increase which is very possible


Might their models show yield will decrease since students applied to more schools than usual or no?

well that’s sad LOL

I’d say no because of the campuses’ general desirability. If anything more people applied to UCLA thinking they had a shot at it.

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Ummmm…keep the pointy end of the stick away from you.


Does anyone have historical data on waitlisted students to UCLA? Do we know from past information if X number of students have been waitlisted Y number are admitted?

same here! accepted by ucsb and usd waitlisted by uci

haha twinsies! im just waiting on ucla and ucsd now :S


when do you think ucsd will come out?

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It is all getting too big. Considering how random acceptance decisions seem to be at many schools, maybe state schools should have a percentage of slots filled by a lottery? I don’t know how a rational review can be made of 140,000 applications.

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