UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Heyy guys, Ik everyone’s discussing bout the Alumni Scholarship. But I have an issue and I really hope someone can help.
I am unable to my UCLA applicant portal. Each time I get a message on the web page saying login information cannot be found and to try again. The title of the page is “Record not Found”.
I’ve entered my portal several time in the last few weeks and I’ve never faced this problem. Does anyone know what’s wrong? I’m going crazy with worry…

@Roovie, are you using this link to setup your portal? Your application ID and name are correct?

Contact the admission office by email and they will fix it.

Yup that’s the link I’m using and I’m sure my name and ID is correct. The AO haven’t replied back.

Should I completely forget the fact that I even applied to UCLA if I haven’t received the scholarship e-mail ? (some context - I’m a US citizen studying at a high school in India)

To be honest, most admitted students don’t receive the email. I’m not sure percentage wise, but there is nothing to worry about!

thanks! feeling a lot more hopeful now :slight_smile:

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With the email, there tends to be a correlation to acceptance, but you don’t NEED to have the email to get accepted. Correlation, but not causation.

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@droider: I agree do not count yourself out of receiving admission to UCLA. There is no specific data on how many applicants received the email invite, but not all invitees will be admitted and there are many whom will be admitted but did not receive the invite.

Do not jump to any conclusions until you have your decision in hand.


As many have already stated, only a very small group of students receive the email. I have heard that it is when the stats are quite high but ALSO because the essays showed significant leadership/community service which makes sense in my son’s case. We didn’t know about the Alumni Scholarship and any correlation to receiving the email and possibility of admittence, but his high school counselor did validate that it is a very positive sign (though not a guarantee). My older son didn’t receive the email and others I know who didn’t receive it were accepted in previous years (some got the UCB Regents but nothing from UCLA), so until they say Yes or No, you are in the game:-) stay positive.


I think you guys are overthinking it. The email literally says " Please note that this invitation to apply for the Alumni Scholarship does not constitute an offer of admission nor does it infer any likelihood of admission." I honestly don’t think it has anything to do with admission chances, maybe it revolves around the interest you showed toward the school?

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You are correct that UCLA hopefuls should not overthink it. However, it appears there is some correlation, though, the majority of students who are ultimately admitted would not have received this letter similar to those receiving early admit letters and invitations to interview for the Regents scholarship at UCB. As I mentioned in my above post (and as another member also posted,) HS counselors with experience with this have indicated some correlation. Take it for what its worth.

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When does UCLA usually send regents invitations? Getting a regents invitation is a lot more important than the alumni scholarship–at least for Berkeley. I think UCLA is the same?


Hello, does anyone know if the committee for the Alumni Scholarship sees all the information including the PIQs from the application? Could the essays from PIQ possibly be recycled a bit? Thanks!


The Alumni Scholarship committee does not see your application. As was mentioned in post 146 by socalgb, there are videos on YouTube where you can see how the readers for the Alumni Scholarship are trained.


Thank you so much!!! Appreciate it!

Wonderful to see so many kids who may not applied actually apply this year, but WOW. That is a lot of applications…


Upon reading into details of my son’s alumni scholarship email, I do not sense any sort of exclusivity with this email. The link provided sends applicants to a general scholarship application page. We were not given any personalized code either. My personal feeling is this was sent to everyone. Although I can’t explain why some people didn’t not receive theirs… I don’t think we should read too much into this email.

I received an Alumni Scholarship offer a week ago. Does it mean anything?