UCLA Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion

sooo is the AO that people talked to yesterday right? we’re not going to hear anything until mid-may?


most likely

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Portals still up. Indicates to me that there is nothing happening today.

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Wouldn’t the portals for people only getting a decision go down, and not everyone? Assuming it was coming out


I think the all go down when they are fiddling in there. Ours went down when they released transfers. Who knows. I’m pretty much giving up.


But transfers make up an extremely large amount of people, like 80,000. If they’re only updating a few hundred portals for one wave I don’t think the portal would go down.

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they need to give us a more accurate timeline…


Based on the LA Times article yesterday and I think what was mentioned on here by the moderator, it appears that some of the issues are the COVID restrictions and whether they will be fully opened it the fall or if they need to set up dorm capacity limitations/etc. They actually said ‘they anticipate some campus dorming and in person classes’ in the fall. I find that mind boggling if they aren’t planning to be back in-person fully by next fall. I imagine most folks that accepted are assuming that too. If they are thinking of limiting services another year, there will definitely be waitlist offers coming. OOS tuition just couldn’t be justified. Not sure what other unknowns could cause this delay in receiving some information by now - good or bad. I would have thought they would have the groupings set up already by college or major and just let it roll when they know how many spaces they have.


Is it just UCLA that said they might open up some or was it all of the campuses apart of the UC system?

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yeah portals going down were never an indicator in the years past. it just updates by itself. so we never can guess when the wave is coming.


Oh wow I didn’t know that

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It seems to be all UCs because it references another article about UCs as a whole. But that article says each UC will ultimately come out with their own plans.


Davis said they would open fully

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I watched a housing talk on Instagram Live yesterday (my son will be a freshman this fall at UCLA), and FWIW it does seem like they don’t know exactly how things are working in terms of capacity. It was a student who ran the Q & A so she made clear that she’s not the authority, but she didn’t have a lot of answers with respect to whether or not they will allow students in triples, etc. Seems pretty clear that unless something drastic happens there will be students housed in dorms, and priority will go to Freshmen, then students with “institutional needs” (athletes, former foster youth, etc.), then Sophomores. But the details are fuzzy about doubles vs. triples, so that may impact capacity and I’m guessing all the UCs are just being a little cautious at this stage. Unfortunately I’m betting that means waitlist decisions may be delayed vs. other years. But that’s just a personal hot take/reading the tea leaves. Hang in there! I’m sure some of you will get offers!


anyone else just checking their portal every few minutes manifesting it changes?


of course!


same i’m literally PRAYING that it’s simply a delay as well…


Think of it this way – last year there was a bunch of uncertainty overall in the world but little uncertainty that it would negatively impact enrollment. Makes sense that kids got in off the waitlist almost right away to ensure that the UCs had kids enrolled. This year when the balance of news says schools want to be back in person as much as possible, including in dorms, but things are still evolving with COVID and reopenings…well that just probably means “go slow” when UCs expect to know more in the relatively near future. Meanwhile we should all be getting vaccinated as soon as possible to give everybody the best chance of ending this thing and being back close to “normal.”


i thought all uc campuses were offline this year

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If ucla first wave does not come out by this week I’m gonna poop my pants