UCLA Class of 2027 Official Thread

I only have the College of Engineering information. The College of Letters and Sciences does not admit by major so I would use the 10% admit rate for the College.

Here is the admit rates by College and the Engineering report.




Awesome data!

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Cannot take credit for the Engineering report which was posted by @ucla_cs_god on another discussion thread but I do agree awesome information.

Our S21 is a sophomore at UCLA, was admitted Undeclared to Letters & Sciences, and is working on all the pre-requisites to declare for Economics, hopefully Business Economics. From what we can tell it is pretty competitive in that a few of the hardest “weeder” classes (e.g. Econ 11) that you have to take prior to declaring are triple weighted for the calculated GPA that allows you to enter Bus Econ vs. normal Econ. I believe you have to have an overall 3.5 in the pre-req courses to declare (with a couple of the hard ones being counted x3 – something like that). So far he’s doing well and thinks he is on track, but it’s definitely a little stressful and not a guarantee that everyone makes the cutoff.

Also about this, many freshmen (2026) I know on campus who want to declare biz Econ are struggling to get into the pre-major classes they need because of the obscenely large demand. A few of them will have to take summer classes to graduate on time because they couldn’t get their prerequisites at all during their first year.


Very true. Anyone considering coming to UCLA should keep in mind that it’s a scrum to try to get classes. Not impossible, but you have to be on top of things, and even then you may have to be willing to take an early morning math section, etc. Our son sort of lucked into getting into Econ 11 this quarter by jumping on it right away when they opened up a new section. So you need to do all the things – sign up for Coursicle that alerts you to waitlist openings, check back regularly, talk with professors, etc. He did take a summer course that he would need if he decides to do a minor in Public Affairs. The nice thing about summer courses is that they are the same price for OOS students as for students from CA. We are in-state, but he has OOS friends who have taken advantage of the price advantage of summer classes to get ahead. I assume this is also the case for other UC schools, but I’m not sure.


My student says some kids in his school were asked to submit more information…we did not get this notification…is this indicative of anything?

UCLA will ask a small percentage of students to submit more information which is part of the supplemental/augmented review. I am assuming that this is the additional information your son is talking about.

The reasons for such of review are listed below and just means they want more information to help in making an informed decision.

The criteria for referring an applicant for Augmented Review include the following:

  1. Evidence of focus on an area of special talent which may have limited a student’s time to participate in a broader range of activities.
  2. Evidence of character traits that imply a strong likelihood of making a significant contribution to campus life.
  3. Evidence of significant academic achievement or the potential for academic achievement at the University in spite of extraordinary or compound disadvantage or learning difference, or physical disability or other unusual circumstances.
  4. Evidence of significant improvement in the academic record accompanied by one or both of the following: (1) reasons for the initial poor performance; and (2) sustained and in-depth participation in educational outreach programs, which demonstrate the applicant’s commitment to succeed academically within a challenging environment.
  5. Evidence of relative lack of access to, counseling about, or support to take college preparatory, honors, Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes or required college entrance examinations.

Not getting this notification means nothing. Majority of students will not get this notification.


Does getting email for Alumni scholarship mean anything?

The Alumni Scholarship invite pool has steadily increased over the last few years but even when the invite pool was small, admission was not guaranteed but definitely a positive sign in that the applicant is a competitive candidate.


Do y’all have any inspirational UCLA acceptance stories?

My brother is a freshman at UCLA. He was a high stat student in HS and applied to lots of top tier programs (Hopkins, Georgetown, William and Mary, etc.). We live in PA and his first choice after several visits on the east coast was Wake Forest. He was waitlisted at Wake and eventually denied, so his choices were narrowed. He was fairly settled on William and Mary as an alternative. That thanksgiving our family traveled to California to visit my sister. She lives in Ventura and moved out there for a job in Santa Barbara. During our stay we visited Santa Barbara and walked around UCSB. On the way back home, as we were sitting in the airport, my dad asked my brother if any of the UC’s interested him. He thought since my sister was there, the distance wouldn’t be a huge factor. My brother said sure. While he was working through the application (we had a long wait) he asked my dad if UCLA was a good school. My dad said it was one of the best, and certainly one of the most competitive. My brother said “well I am going to check that box cause, who knows, right…?” I honestly think he was not entirely sold on his available choices and was hoping for more positive results from his applications as a whole. Fast forward to March, and my mom, dad, and I were driving to MD for a soccer tournament (my brother had to stay home that weekend for something or other) my dad said “you know what, I think UCLA decisions came out this week!” We called my brother on speaker from the road, asked him to log into the portal, and let us know what he saw. He logged in and there was a long, movie scripted-like pause, and he yelled “Holy $hit!!! I got in!!!” We all jumped cause it was such a surprise!! My mom did a good job of keeping the car on the road but I could tell she was welling up with tears. When my dad asked him what he thought, he said “Well, I kind of have to go, right!!! It’s too good an opportunity to pass up!!” The rest is history. He visited the school on accepted students day (first time he had stepped foot on campus) and a week later he told my parents that’s where he wanted to go. I actually wrote about that experience in one of my UC essays, understanding they don’t consider family members in their decision. It was more to highlight how our perception of what was possible can be altered by the simplest of circumstances. Having visited for family weekend, UCLA is now my top choice. Applied as a Graphic Design major and hoping for good news in March.


Was a day with 4 results coming out. Kid was on the bus coming home from competing in an athletic event when she was finally able to check portals on the phone. Texts started coming to me. First was an R, then two waitlists. Finally the 4th text…all caps…got into UCLA. I wasn’t there so I didn’t see how excited she was, but I was thrilled!


That’s such an amazing story! Thanks! I hope I’m like your brother come March :sweat_smile:. My entire family went there so I’m praying i can continue the legacy haha

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My DD received this supplemental questionnaire. I don’t know what to think of it - to be a borderline admit. Not good enough to be straight admit, and not bad enough to be a straight denied. Overall, I think it’s still better to have a 2nd shot, so crossing my fingers. I am certainly feeling more nervous about it than my D and I worry her response might not sway AO. Her 12th grade, 1st semester grades slipped, so not a good sign to show. UCLA is one of her dream colleges.

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The supplemental does not necessarily mean she is a borderline admit. Admissions wants to make an informed decision so they are asking for more information.


Son also received email for Alumni Scholarship. Writing is not his strength and he would rather not do more essays. I assume whether he applies or not does not affect his admission result by UCLA, just want to confirm.


I’m with you on this one. My D23 is trying her best to survive calculus and with 5 AP classes, job, and ECs, don’t have any extra time to write these two 500-word essays. Not only that, the questions IMHO are pretty lame (i.e., what sets you apart from others?) smh.

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Not applying for the scholarship won’t have any bearing at all on admissions. The committee that reads for the scholarship is completely separate from the admissions committee. I believe they only start reading the scholarship applications after admissions decisions are made in March.

Our S21 was burnt out, didn’t apply for the scholarship and was still admitted 2 years ago.


I agree with @GoldRush2 "Not applying for the scholarship won’t have any bearing at all on admissions. The committee that reads for the scholarship is completely separate from the admissions committee. I believe they only start reading the scholarship applications after admissions decisions are made in March.

Our S21 was burnt out, didn’t apply for the scholarship and was still admitted 2 years ago."

My child applied for ASC scholarship and got the scholarship. Admissions and ASC are two different committees. ASC is an academic club which provides the kids some volunteering hours and mentorship. Coming to the scholarship $$$, if your child is not qualified for need based financial aid, your child will get the basic scholarship which is bare minimum. It is a sense of belonging as a freshman which can be overwhelming as you step on the campus. ASC application is open to all. Every UCLA applicant(incoming Freshman) can apply to this scholarship with or without invitation. Hope this helps!!!