UCLA Class of 2027 Official Thread

The 2022 data for UC Source High Schools has been released:
Admissions by source school | University of California


How big a factor does familiarity with the high schools play with admissions counselors or getting accepted. We live in Arizona and my D23’s dream school is UCLA but I dont even see our school listed here. She is a 3.95 UW, 4.75 W, Varsity sports and leadership positions and had pretty good PIQ essays but now I am wondering if she has any shot at any UC school let alone UCLA. Any thoughts or insights?

I don’t think UCLA is as fixated on application-admission-matriculation stats as other similar schools like Michigan. So your kid is probably not going to be penalized. I’m basing this on anecdotal outcomes and hearsay from a pretty no-name high school not in California. Please take my “data” with a grain of salt.


Admit rates for OOS students tend to be a bit higher than for in-state students for the UCs other than the super selective ones like UCLA and UCB. Santa Barbara and San Diego for example definitely accept a higher percentage of OOS applicants compared to in-state applicants, but that’s mainly because they know that yield rates will be quite low for OOS students. Many apply but don’t understand that UCs do not offer any need-based aid to OOS families. So you will be paying full freight to attend a UC including the ~$30K-ish extra for being OOS. In the end, that means many/most OOS students don’t enroll.


If you are interested in the OOS admit rates for 2022, here is the information:
2022 Freshman admit rates

Berkeley 14.5% 8.6% 5.5%
Davis 32.3% 59.8% 43%
Irvine 18.2% 36.6% 21%
Los Angeles 9.2% 8.8% 5.8%
Merced 100% 78.6% 81.7%
Riverside 66% 88.1% 68.%
San Diego 23.8% 31.5% 15.5%
Santa Barbara 26.7% 28.8% 19.7%
Santa Cruz 43.2% 70.7% 55.4%

Thank You for the insight!

Did anyone else receive mail from the regents of the university of California? I’m out of town and my brother sent me this but he doesn’t want to open it in case it’s something important :person_facepalming:

My D23 got one from UCB - she took a class there last summer - did your student take a class thru UCLA? It’s a tax form with the tuition costs.

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Yep, it is a tax form. My child who worked at a UC last year, received one today.

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Shucks, I thought it was something good since none of my friends also taking classes at UCLA got it. Well, hopefully I get a better letter in March :cry:

Is there a chart of GPA range with admit rates for different colleges/engineering majors within UCLA? Really appreciate if anyone has these insights.

There is this report for Engineering: https://www.seasoasa.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/seasoasa/2022-UCEE-Report.pdf

Thanks much, I really appreciate you helping everyone with invaluable insights. This is very useful. Is there one that shows the UC GPA range based admit rates to these majors?

That is this is only admit data for Engineering that I have access. Since College of Engineering is the most competitive college for admission, you can assume that the GPA admit range would be at the 50th percentile or higher for any of the majors. Here is the 2022 Freshman Admit GPA ranges:

GPA Median Middle 25% - 75%
Weighted GPA 4.58 4.40-4.73
Unweighted GPA 4.00 3.95-4.00

Thank you. This is the UC GPA range for the same I found at:


GPA of middle 25%-75% students

High School GPA 4.21–4.33

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It looks like their 2022 tax form.

That is the Capped weighted range.


CA high schools provide this information to UC. As parents we signed a paper/agreement to share this info with UC.

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Does this GPA have to be out of high school transcript only? Or the gpa will be re calculated taking into consideration the community college courses taken during high school? For example the unweighted gpa is 3.90 and there are 5 college courses will the gpa go up or is it independent ?

Are you talking about the UC GPA calculation or the ELC Calculation?

The UC’s calculate 3 GPA’s based on the self-reported academic history including the 5 college courses if they are UC transferable and taken the summer after 9th through the summer prior to 12th.

Here is the UC GPA calculator. For each college course you count 1 letter grade and 1 honors points.

