UCLA Class of 2027 Official Thread

How is housing at UCLA? I have heard there are sometimes as many as 8 roommates. I know it is guaranteed housing but is it at the cost of having too many roommates in a very small space? Any insights?

I’m not super current on it, but there’s a lot of different types of housing. I suspect those with 8 roommates would be in some kind of suite. The older dorms are setup for 2/3 people per room. Overall, it’s an amazing housing village up on a hill next to the campus adjacent to some of the most expensive real estate in LA.


So very many options for housing. Assume that as a Freshman you are very likely to be in triple (some have AC, some not), and yes, those are pretty small. My son survived his first year in a room like that (you don’t spend that much time in your room!) and opted to stay on campus the next year, still in a triple but this time with AC (and it’s larger than last year’s). It’s been fine and saves us a bit of money vs. a double. Many move off campus into apartments after sophomore year, but you are guaranteed 4 years of housing and as you get into your final years you have priority to pick more the kind of room or suite you want. Some of these are “university apartments,” and yes those can have up to 8 people sharing an apartment (maybe 2 to a room?) but with shared common areas and bathrooms. Housing at UCLA is definitely one of the advantages compared to some of the other UCs.


Weirdly enough, my kid was contacted in the summer to see whether she wanted to switch from a triple request to a double request. There are price differences, and other social reasons that some kids want triple vs double…so you never know what’s going to happen!


No she didn’t. did you? If so, what was it?

I didn’t.

If I am not admitted for my first choice major. Will UCLA review me for my Alternate major?

No, UCLA only considers your first choice major.

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Here’s a good overview of UCLA’s housing options on the hill:


(Scroll to the bottom for links and pictures of all the buildings and options)

My D22 is in a classic triple right now, in Hedrick Hall. She loves it. She’s met so many friends and has enough space. She’s often in the lounge or in class, or in the library or out and about, and has never once complained about space.

UCLA is doing room sign ups now for current students. She picks her room in a couple of hours. She’s aiming for a triple suite with 5 roommates. This is a two room suite with 3 people each, plus a shared living room and bathroom in the middle. She’s hoping for Saxon because it’s closer to campus but may end up with Hitch. UCLA’s housing and dining is amazing and a huge perk at this UC.


I do remember one case from last year based on last year”s thread.
The post was from advitha, where they accepted EE which was their second choice.

It might be that this is only in rare cases.

That is true and up to the UCLA’s discretion. Blanket statement, no alternate majors are not considered.

They do look at alternate major when you are waitlisted or if you decide to appeal

DS applied for EE and CE as the two majors this year.
His UC GPA is 4.3, unweighted is 4.45 with 11 APs so far and 5 more Honors/Capstone courses in Senior year. 1550 SAT - hoping it’s useful OOS colleges.
We are not confident given how it is in Engineering.

He looks competitive for UCLA but the SAT will not be considered for admissions or scholarships. Best of luck to him.

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Thanks much.

CE admit rates are in the 2% range and its a huge reach for anyone but EE is generally an easier admit (around 15%). Good luck to your son!

EE admit seem to hovering between ~13-18% last 3 years. Thanks much for the wishes.

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Is the admissions decision schedule for community college transfers the same for high school admissions notification?

No, transfers hear in April.

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Yes, several kids got that offer, where UCLA Housing offered classic doubles (smaller rooms without AC), so most kids prefer to stay in their plaza or deluxe triples (bigger rooms with AC).