UCLA Class of 2027 Official Thread

Doesn’t mean anything! CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language that style webpages (think changing colors of text, adding shapes, changing fonts, positioning content on a website) – so what you’re seeing there is just how a part of the page would be styled if you were to be waitlisted.
You are not waitlisted, don’t worry :smile:


On a completely different and sad note, for those who know the UCLA campus and are familiar with the beloved community cat known as “Powell Cat,” it looks like PC has died this afternoon. RIP beloved kitty. I enjoyed petting you a few times. :crying_cat_face: Students are already suggesting a memorial statue to you.


I was really sad to see this. We just hung out with him a couple weeks ago. :cry:

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My daughter told me about Powell cat’s passing and I saw the news on the FB UCLA Parent pages too. My D22 loved seeing Powell cat—such a beloved, sweet addition to the campus community. It’s so sad!

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Does UCLA drop their results on a Friday evening in March without any official advanced notice, or do they usually send out some sort of official communication a few days before they’re posted?

They have not sent an official decision date confirmation in the past few years.

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can colleges see if you inspect their tab? Will they reject you for inspecting the tab? I know many online say they can’t detect inspections but it still makes me really paranoid??

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No and no, it’s all client sided so they can’t see what you do, even if you edit something. The rescinds that’ve happened for portal astro were when people literally hacked into the Harvard biz school servers and found their decision that way, it’s way different from just looking at the source code of a site. One is a given and allowed the other illegal

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I don’t see the applied major today which was there until yesterday !!


My applied major was not stated in myApplication status.
was it the same for you guys?

Did anyone receive and respond to a supplemental questionnaire? If so, what do you see in the status page? And what do folks who didn’t receive a supplemental questionnaire see?

This happened last year too in the week(s) leading up to decisions. The major info went away. I think that’s probably related to the portal updates leading up to decision release.


Same for us.

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Do we know when admission decisions are coming out, as they haven’t announced it as of yet?

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Historically, 3rd Friday of March and UCLA has not announced the specific date for several years.


Same here. It was present a few hours ago.

My daughter was trying to view her application status when she realized she is not able to see an actual portal like the other colleges. She sees just one page with no clickable links. Is this typical for UCLA? She got the email ‘Application received’ back in Jan and when she tries to see her application status, she is only able to see a way to login with her cred’s and her UC application ID, which brings her to this page. We were wondering if this is okay. Thanks for any information.

Yes, this is all there is for UCLA.

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That’s exactly the info she will need to log in and find her admissions decision when it comes. It’s different from all the others and always leads to a bunch of anxious and frustrated applicants hunting for their UC application ID when decisions drop. So keep that handy! :grinning:


Aha! Thanks for confirming, we had a tiny panic attack, lol