UCLA Class of 2027 Official Thread

Congratulations :tada:

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: UCLA Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

where would it say you got into ucla w regents?

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The experience you earned, the skills you learnt will stay with you forever.


Congrats! Which field ?

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Just realized son got into Honors at UCI


Last year, my son received regents at uci with his acceptance. received invitation to apply for regents at ucla shortly after decisions released.


UCLA usually invites top applicants to apply for Regents. It is not awarded upon acceptance. Last year, those that applied were notified whether or not they received the award in early April.


Accepted!!! tears of joy after waitlists at SD and UCI.
4.0UW, top 9%, pretty good ECs (no research paper or competitions) Accepted L&S. National merit finalist.

Best wishes to everyone. Hope it will work out for every single student, it will!!!


As will the depression stress and anxiety, missed moments with my friends, and failure on the romantic end of things, at this point I’d rather have had a significantly worse application but better life in High School


In state
Public Affairs
4.0 uw
4.4 w
Don’t know her capped gpa
Sports (captain two years)
Leadership EC and academic EC (mock trial attorney two years, student ambassador board member 2 years, other board positions on other clubs for multiple years)
City council summer intern (proposal writing)
Animal shelter volunteer (Every Saturday morning for almost 2 years)

babysitting every Tuesday

Accepted :sdsu early, cal state long beach early


Waiting on: SLO (either WL or rejection), UCSB, and Cal.

This has b een an eye opener!

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Decision: ACCEPTED
Merit scholarships awarded (if any): ??
Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Mech Engineering (1st Choice)
Calculate your GPAs with GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub
UC Unweighted GPA: 3.95
UC Capped Weighted GPA: ??
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.95
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Y

Comments about course load (including senior year):
Number of a-g courses:??
Number of UC Approved Honors courses: 6 , UC Scout Physics C
Number of AP courses/exams (scores in parentheses): 12 all 4’s and one 3
Number of IB courses/exams (score in parentheses):

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): None


Extracurriculars: 2 yrs robotics club - leadership
Job/Work Experience: part-time job 2 years
Volunteer/Community service: church leader, two-year mentor for disabled student, violin orchestra, and violin volunteer teacher
Summer Activities: COSMOS - engineering
Personal Insight essays (details): wrote about COSMOS, violin teaching, church leadership, and why engineering.

Supplemental/Augmented Review: Yes or No


State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): large public So Cal

Country (if international applicant):

Applied for need-based financial aid? Y

First Generation? N


Strengths: High GPA

Weaknesses: Not much research

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/denied: Accepted UCSD and UCI. Waitlist UCD

GENERAL COMMENTS: Not sure why waitlist at UCD?

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Same. What happens to ELC (state and local) Computer Sci majors? They say if you apply UC and don’t get in, they will find a place for you at one of the campuses…but they’re all full. With waitlists.

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Rejected. :smiling_face_with_tear: She won’t be at the same school as big brother which is sad on one level, but she is ok because she got into UCI, UCSD, and Scripps tonight! So lots of amazing options and she can own her own school. Sorry, Bruins :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Each UC campus reviews applicants independently and have their own institutional priorities so not unusual to be denied or waitlisted at other campuses.

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I’ll probably be dumped onto Merced, which is better than nothing but really not ideal in nearly every way except cost


UC Merced does not waitlist so they will accept Referrals if you are not admitted to your choice campus. Sometimes they may not offer your first choice major since it depends upon if they have room.


I am sorry you feel that way. My kid had the exact same feelings when she got her first reject, so I know exactly what you are going through. The hurt and pain are real and instead of feeling resentful, spend time sending compassion towards yourself. Don’t let negative sentiments simmer within you. Easier said than done, but that is the best way forward. Accept and embrace what the universe has sent your way, that is the only way to peace. May sound too idealistic or philosophical to you right now, but ponder on it.


No I totally understand and that had been the mindset I’d had with my other decisions, but seeing now that I may have to do this all over again either next year or at a CC, it just becomes all the more painful


I didn’t get in after taking 12 AP’s, receiving almost all A’s excluding freshman year, starting a profitable online business doing 5 figures per month, helping scale my parents business which directly relates with my major. Congratulations to anyone that got in. All I can hope for now is Berkeley. Signing off forever.