UCLA Class of 2027 Official Thread

My daughter was waitlisted. :pensive: She believes she needs to accept her waitlist position ASAP, but the email said the deadline is April 15th. I want to wait a few days in order to strategize what additional info to submit. But is she correct that the longer she waits, the further down the waitlist she’ll be? (That doesn’t make sense to me, but she’s insisting.)


From what I understnad the waitlists aren’t ranked, but I didn’t think you could submit more info either(at least I haven’t been allowed to at other schools that WL’d me)


No, the waitlist is not ranked by when you opt in. Good strategy to formulate what information she plans to submit and she can opt in until the deadline.


i also got into ucla and wailisted for ucd, even though ucd was my top choice(initially) crazy system!

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waitlisted. UW UC GPA 3.96, capped weighted 4.26, uncapped 4.61.
still a chance!

Yes, UCLA does allow you to submit up to a certain number of characters, and they suggest things like the fall term grades, any new awards, etc. And I guess she could write an essay…? I need to research this!


@Gumbymom Do you know how strict they are with their admission contract? I read through it and it mentioned keeping a B-average your entire senior year. I had 2 C’s in an AP classes, which counts as B’s, but that was before I knew about the admission contract. Would that put my chances in jeopardy?


As long as you maintain the 3.0 unweighted GPA Senior year and end up with no more than 2 C’s, no D’s or F’s, you should be fine. All the UC’s are strict on the conditions of admission so keep up those grades…


Son Waitlisted CS
-UW 4, W 10&11 grades) 4.9
-18 APs (mostly 5s , few 4’s)
-President of few clubs , research internship , published research, AIME qualifier, USACO, Robotics, national/ international: state awards,non profit organization
-Very good PIQ’s
Got into UCSC( CSP + scholarship) , UCR with scholarship, UC Davis with scholarship
Also some OOS T20 with scholarships.
Got waitlisted by all three : UCLA, UCSD, UCI

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My daughter was waitlisted for TFT last year and got off in early July so don’t lose hope if your son or daughter is in the same situation. My daughter would be happy to share her experiences with any incoming students.

Is everyone who isn’t accepted waitlisted??
Do you get waitlisted for the major you applied to? My son did a music audition- would the waitlist be for the specific program he auditioned? Confusing…

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It’s hard and hurts, but a few years ahead, in hindsight, you’ll look back and understand the whys.
I’m sure all your hard work will pay off in ways you don’t even suspect now.


rejected but i applied as a joke

Yes, I’m curious too if everyone gets a waitlist option. My kid was “denied” but offer to select if they wanted to be on the waitlist.


Hi Gumbymom, I had a thought and wondered your opinion. It seems all these WL/rejections/acceptances-it doesn’t matter your weighted GPA . So long as your unweighted is near 4.0. Meaning the rigor isn’t as important as the unweighted GPA. What do you think? That the first cut is unweighted GPA? Which gives no hope for kids that received a few Bs in 10 grade.



Son got Accepted.
Very happy


UCLA specifically lists their Freshman profile admit stats with the Unweighted and Uncapped Fully weighted UC GPA, so both are important in their admission decision. They do a comprehensive review so all factors are considered. All the UC’s review every application even the ones that may not meet eligibility requirements before making a final admission decision. Every campus has their own application review procedure so unless you are directly involved in the process, there is no way of knowing what goes on behind the scenes.

HS course rigor is Very important if you look at the Fully weighted GPA numbers.

Also the GPA ranges listed are the 25th-75th percentile so there are admits above and below these ranges.

All GPAs are calculated from courses completed in grades 10 and 11.

  • The fully weighted GPA includes an extra grade point for all UC-approved honors courses (which include AP, IB, school-based honors and transferable college courses) in which a grade of C or higher is earned. The maximum value possible is 5.00.
  • The unweighted GPA does not include any extra grade points for honors courses. The maximum value possible is 4.00.

GPA statistics for admitted freshman students
GPA Median Middle 25% - 75%
Weighted GPA 4.58 4.40-4.73
Unweighted GPA 4.00 3.95-4.00

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Likely gap year instead. College is about more than just a major.

My question is why we are rejecting in state kids with 12 APs from UC and state schools in Comp Sci while we actively import HB1 visas in the very same professions these kids would occupy? :thinking:


Excellent question to ask the UC’s.

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