UCLA Class of 2027 Official Thread

The UC admissions are not aware of an applicants finances when making their decisions. I am sure there are low income students that apply not aware that the UC’s will not offer sufficient funding to attend. That is why the OOS enrollment yield is much lower than for in-state students.

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My daughter is a second year and she has the total opposite experience with UCLA. I guess it depends on the classes you are enrolled in and the friends you have. She said her boarding school was way more competitive than UCLA. Her experience has been that students have a good balance between studying hard and having fun.


My daughter got accepted for political science at UCLA. She’s super excited but we are waiting to hear from a few more of her top choices. :crossed_fingers:


Same here ! But it is not a surprise. All CA schools said no so D will stay on East Coast.

So sorry. I typed it from my phone. Dont know why it tagged lot of people. Sorry for the confusion guys!!! I got the link i was looking for.Thanks.

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@GoldRush2 sorry. I typed it from my phone. Dont know why it tagged lot of people. Sorry for the confusion guys!!! I got the link i was looking for.Thanks.

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Decision: Accepted
Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Applied Math

UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.29 (self studied 4 APs so that didnt count)
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.42
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes

Good ECs. Research at prestigious university in bay area and competitive summer program research.
Volunteer teacher for 4 years
NMF, Presidential gold volunteer etc


State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): CA Public
Country (if international applicant): US
First Generation? No


accepted: UCSC, UCD, UCSB, UCLA
waitlisted: UCSD, UCI
reject: stanford, UT Austin, JHU

This forum has been amazing! Congratulations all


S23 accepted Major: Physics
In State
4.53 weighted 3.95 unweighted
Tutored twice a week for 4 years/ no formal sports- SURFS
Worked all through HS during the year and Summer
Dual Enrollment: Linear Algebra and Calc 3
14 Aps
Multiple honors classes

Accepted: UCSC, UCLA, Occidental College,
WL: UCSB, UCSD, Bowdoin, Bates, Colby
Waiting on: UCB,
Rejected: Pitzer


so my out of state tuition is $71k, which includes the transport fee, books, and insurance in the 71k. but are those 3 fees automatically billed to me? cause i wasn’t planning on buying books, insurance, or transport. not sure if 71k is just an estimate or is exactly what’s billed to me, including the insurance, books, etc.?

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My son got in as a Physics Major.
Is it possible to switch to Engineering-
I believe it’s a different college:
Samueli School Of Engineering

is your tuition also $71k?

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They do it that way so your financial aid can cover those things. You can decline the loans or whatever that would have covered the part you don’t intend to buy. But UCs require health insurance so you will have to submit proof of adequate insurance that you already have in order for them to waive the insurance fee.

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ohh, i see that makes sense. i aleady have georgia health insurance though, not sure how it would work in california though. but so ucla doesn’t automatically charge for books right?

Decision: Accepted
Major: environmental science

Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.89
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes, #2 in class of ~400
AP Scholar with distinction
Language immersion since 1st grade, diploma will have seal of biliteracy

3 sport varsity athlete all four years, multiple awards in two of the sports
Only one club/volunteer


State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): CA Public
Country (if international applicant): US
First Generation? Yes

UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, SDSU, Cal Poly Pomona and Cal Poly SLO, CSLB
Waitlisted: Pepperdine (Seaver College, Biology)

Currently trying to choose between Cal Poly SLO & UCLA! Visits planned for both.

After reading posts here we feel lucky to have such choices…your student needs to be good AND lucky to get into UCLA!


Decision: Waitlisted
Merit scholarships awarded (if any): –
Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Biology

UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.18
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.31
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes

Comments about course load (including senior year):
Number of a-g courses: 45?
Number of UC Approved Honors courses: 18?
Number of AP courses/exams (scores in parentheses): AP Bio (5), AP Lang (5); AP Lit, AP Gov, AP Calc AB, and AP Environmental Science in progress
Number of IB courses/exams (score in parentheses): N/A
5 community college courses including 3 STEM courses

Awards: National Merit Commended Student, National Rural/Small Town Scholar, school’s science department student of the month, local art contest winner

-STEM: Science Bowl, 3 years, president for 2, competed in regionals once; summer shadowing at local hospital; work experience in telephone recruitment at local blood bank
-Music: School orchestra, cello, 4 years, leadership for 3; countywide concert band, 1 year
-GSA, 4 years, leadership for all 4; panelist in county LGBTQ equity event
-Visual art, 6+ years, practiced and took commissions
Personal Insight essays: pretty good? 7-8/10
-Creativity, skill/talent, academic subject, educational opportunity

State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): In-state, NorCal, ~1300 students
Applied for need-based financial aid: Yes
First Generation: No

Accepted: UC Davis, UCSB, UCSC, Cal Poly SLO, Cal Poly Humboldt, Sonoma State
Waitlisted: UCSD

That’s correct. Books & transportation are just estimates of what you are likely to spend. Not items billed to you by the university.

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First off congratulations. It’s just an estimate. Around ~May-June timeframe, there will be a data call email to submit proof of health insurance to waive $928/qtr insurance. I still recommend Bruincare ($60/qtr) to access on-campus Ashe Center in case you fall off your skateboard or something (happened to my son). Books will depend on how you charge it. If you swipe your Bruincard at the bookstore, you can have it charged directly to your “Bruinbill.” Bruinbill is so you can give your parents access to myUCLA and have them worry about everything (i.e. tuition, housing-chow hall, etc.). Right now, my son swipes for football games, parking, e-books, protein shakes, etc. Your parents will feel like they’re walking ATMs.


Possible yes, probable not likely but here is change of major information and will depend upon which Engineering major he is targeting. There are no guarantees that by meeting the change of major requirements that spots will be available.

Minimum Eligibility requirements to apply

  • Meeting the minimum criteria explained below does not guarantee approval but gives you your best chance for a successful change of major.
  • The Earliest a Freshman admitted student may apply is after completing a minimum of two quarters (note that it may take longer to meet requirements for Com Sci, Com Sci & Engr, or Com Engr. See additional requirements below)
  • The Latest a Freshman admitted student may apply is weeks 1 and 2 of Fall Quarter of their third year. (This is based on your grades through your 2nd year; you must meet the minimum eligibility no later than the end summer of your 2nd (sophomore) year. This includes requests within the same department like from CSE to CS.)
  • Normally only one change of major to an Engineering major will be approved. Students are encouraged to research the various engineering disciplines thoroughly before filing for a change of major.


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Many UCs now have Inclusive Access as an option for purchasing books. Some students/majors love it. Others feel that it is a waste of money. Do your research before opting in or out.

Hmm. Do students still have access to digital content after the course is over? It’s often useful to look back in future classes. Is the content downloadable?

I still have many of my old textbooks and some of them are still useful, or at least interesting collector’s items (my son was amazed that I have a first edition of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, used in class by me the first year it was published :rofl:)