UCLA Communication Studies

<p>Would someone care to elucidate how this:</p>


<p>Only regularly enrolled UCLA students may apply for admission to the Communication Studies major. Students must have at least 45 letter-graded units completed at UCLA by the close of Summer Session C (9/10/10). It is not necessary to complete all of the lower division courses before applying. However, students must have completed at least 2 of the courses included in the major, either lower or upper division. All work pertaining to the major must be taken for a letter grade.


<p>...taken from the department website would pertain to transfer students? Additionally, what if you have only completed four out of the seven prerequisites for the major, by Fall 2010, but would have completed it by Spring 2011 and you have a 4.0 grade point average. </p>

<p>I'm sure completion of prerequisites will be considered during the admissions process but by whom? The department website notes,</p>

Enrollment in the major is limited. Admission to the major is by application to the committee in charge. Applications are available to UCLA students online during the spring quarter.


<p>As I understand it, the "committee in charge" are comprised of department faculty. </p>

<p>So what does this mean for transfers applying for this major? Thanks in advance.</p>