UCLA Fall 2022: Transfer Thread

Hey did you remove the discord?

Yes, it got flagged.


I made another one! Let’s hope it works!

Thank you!!!

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I applied for transfer this time, and I have a question. I’m going to take real estate courses in the upcoming spring 2022 semester at my current community college, but will it have a bad impact on the results of the UC transfer? For reference, real estate courses are transferable for only CSU. And my major is sociology.

In summary, since real estate classes are not related to sociology, I wonder if it will have a bad impact if I put them in TAU.

Also, can anybody chance me if possible…


IGETS will be done by Spring 2022 (1 course left)
Pre-req Done
Overall GPA 3.88
Major GPA 4.0
Essay 9/10
ECs ( done researches, volunteers, honors society, and CEO)
Low income
Non-traditional student

Additional information

Gender: Female
In-state/OOS/International?: In-state, socal
School Type: community college
Income Bracket: low
Where else did you apply/TAG?: Tag: UCI,

Taking the real estate courses will not hurt you for UC’s since you already have your prereqs completed.


Thank you for your reply.
So helpful!

Hey, I’m Luke!

My info:
-Major: Pre-Political Science
-GPA: 4.0
-TAP: No
-Extracurriculars: Clubs, Sports, Work during school
-IGETC status: Complete by spring
-Major Preqeqs: Completed

-Gender: Male
-In-state/OOS/International?: In-State
-School Type: CCC
-Income: $75k
-Single parent household
-One-Year Transfer w/out any AP Credit (46 completed credits reported on my application as I was concurrently enrolled at multiple CCC’s, so I’m not behind where a standard 2-year transfer might be)
-8/10 PIQ’s
Where else did you apply/TAG?: SDSU, CPSLO, UCB, UCSB, UCSD, UCI. No TAG


Hi everyone. Always nice to see fellow applicants. Is there anyone who’s also from OOS?

Major: MCB / MCDB
GPA: 3.97
TAP+Alternate Major?: Nope
Extracurriculars: 2 second author pubs, lots and lots of research in a specific rare disease, BME team lead, filmmaking
IGETC status: honestly idk. probably not? I heard that I don’t need that if I have my major pre-reqs though
In-state/OOS/International?: OOS
School Type: Public
Income Bracket: Can full pay
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.):
1 year transfer. 50 credits of APs and dual enrollment + ~36 credits at my current school.
Where else did you apply/TAG?:
Cal, Stanford, NU, Rice, Uchicago, Columbia

Did everyone receive the email about the alumni scholarship? I got excited for a second but then saw in bold Please note that this invitation to apply for the Alumni Scholarship does not constitute an offer of admission nor does it infer any likelihood of admission so I assume it was just sent to everyone.

I received that email too. CCC transfer with 4.0, but I have no idea if GPA has anything to do with it. There are a few threads about it from last year on here. Do we know if it’s 100% legit? The site is a bit odd looking.

@alltooswell @luke31. Here is some information regarding the Alumni Scholarship.

The vast majority of the ~150 awarded the Alumni scholarship get the standard $1500 per year, unless they receive the extra need based aid. There is a shortlisting process for video/phone based interviews (IIRC organized on a regional basis within CA) and then roughly 1 in 3 of those interviewed wins the scholarship.

The award of the scholarship is typically announced in early April and then there is a reception for awardees at Bruin Day. A small number (I think 10-20% of winners) are also invited to compete on campus the next weekend for a higher award amount. There is also a reserve list for runners up, since not all of the original winners will choose to attend UCLA.

The shortlisting process appears to be based primarily on a) did you write an essay that stands out and gets noticed by your reader and b) your community service and similar ECs. Its different from the Regents scholarship which is based more on pure academic talent (and obviously relies on the original UC application for shortlisting).

The Alumni Association is independent of UCLA admissions. There is only a one way flow of information:

  1. UCLA admissions give the Alumni Association a list of some subset of applicants for the invitation email. Then the invitation is sent out and people apply for the Alumni scholarship.

  2. After UCLA admissions have announced their admission decisions, they give the Alumni Association a list of admitted students so they can screen out any scholarship applications from those who weren’t admitted before starting to read them.

The only time information goes the other way is when the Alumni Association tell financial aid about the awarded scholarships.

So there is no impact on the admission decision from any Alumni scholarship application. The fact that there may be correlation (depending on how selective UCLA admissions were in compiling the original list for the invitation email) is in no way causation.

Also note that you do not have to be invited to apply for this scholarship and last year many invites were sent out so it may not be as selective as in past years.

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Hey guys,
My name is Pat.
I’m applying as a junior transfer and i’m really nervous because i’ve never applied to US colleges before.
I’m a permanent resident. I attended a ccc.
I’ll be igetc certified in spring because my chem course was in class and covid shutdown my dorm. So, i couldn’t get it done until dorms reopened. I mentioned that in my application, but i’m almost done with it. Does anyone know if that puts me at a disadvantage?

Hello @Gumbymom I recently read a thread in quora where ASKMSSUN advised that for UCLA TAP certified applicants they get a boost or point added to the GPA. My daughter and I were thinking she wouldn’t get in because her GPA is 3.67 (3.67 after fall, it was closer to a 3.5 after summer) and the range for Psychology is 3.77+. Do you know if this boost is true and what her chances to get into UCLA may be?
Other info: One year transfer, 7 AP classes, 2 dual enrollments in HS she got B’s in (Japanese and Business), IGETC complete, prerequisites were completed this fall (6 courses A’s and 1 B in chem). Alt major was cog sci but she couldn’t squeeze in the pre-reques. We know it’s a stretch and she is excited about UC Irvine if LA doesnt work out.

I am not aware of a GPA boost for TAP applicants but they do get priority in their admission review.

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Anyone know if completing more prereqs by fall in which you apply will help admission? I’m a comm major and completed 4 by fall 2021 which is the minimum. I am doing 1 in the winter and 2 in the spring so I will finish in the spring. I’m nervous since my major is impacted that I didn’t complete more prereqs before I applied. My gpa is 4.0

Anyone know if completing more prereqs by fall in which you apply will help admission? I’m a comm major and completed 4 by fall 2021 which is the minimum. I am doing 1 in the winter and 2 in the spring so I will finish in the spring. I’m nervous since my major is impacted that I didn’t complete more prereqs before I applied. My gpa is 4.0


Do you know when the UCLA regents scholarships will be sent out this year? Alumni scholarship came out a few days ago so I don’t know if scholarship invites are sent around the same time.