UCLA Fall 2022: Transfer Thread

For UCLA TAP there is no GPA boost.
Essentially, she has a better chance of getting in (70-85% chance).

If she has good extracurriculars and well-written PIQs, she should be fine:)


For Transfers, I believe the UCLA regent invites went out in March last year.

The general consensus is that having all or most pre-requisites completed at the time of application and the TAU, the better your application will be considered especially for the competitive UC campuses like UCLA.

Major: Pre-Psychology
GPA: 3.98
TAP+Alternate Major?: UC to UC transfer, GEs completed (Letter of Reciprocity)
Extracurriculars: Volunteering, lots of it
IGETC status: N/A (not a community college transfer)

Gender: Male
In-state/OOS/International?: In-state
School Type: UC institution (UCSB)
Income Bracket: >$100k
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): Essay were garbage, ECs were just volunteering, not much tbh. Not expecting to get in, but we’ll see. Best of luck to everyone else!
Where else did you apply/TAG?: UCLA only

Major: Econ
GPA: 3.95
TAP+Alternate Major?: TAP
Extracurriculars: Tons of volunteering, sports, other ECS. (Like a TON of ECS) WORK EXPERIENCE DURING CC (this is key)
IGETC status: Complete

Gender: Male
In-state/OOS/International?: In-State
School Type: CC
Income Bracket: High
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): Above Average essays
Where else did you apply/TAG?: Accepted every other UC, rejected Berkeley, Tagged Davis.

If you don’t get in don’t feel too bad bc I hate it here and the school finds every way to screw you over.

To clarify I was rejected BY Berkeley I got into every UC except Berkeley.

Is this for last year? We still haven’t received our decisions back… how have u gotten rejected already?

can you make a permanent link?

Major: Aerospace Engineering
GPA: 3.63
TAP+Alternate Major?: TAP, Physics
Extracurriculars: Sports, Clubs, and mentioned coding projects and leadership awards. Mentioned in TAU that I’m TAing in spring.
IGETC status: Not Needed

Gender: Male
In-state/OOS/International?: In-State
School Type: CC
Income Bracket: >200k
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): Decent essays. Completed all the pre-requisites apart from Chem II which will be done in spring.
Where else did you apply/TAG?: TAG to UCI for aerospace engineering, applied to all UC apart from Santa Cruz and Merced. Applied to both cal polies and to a few schools in england.

I am assuming this poster was a Transfer for 2021 admissions since 2022 admission decisions will post in April and the poster appears to be attending UCB currently. Not sure why they are posting in the UCLA transfer forum unless they are trying to transfer again?

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So UCLA says “The average GPA of admitted transfer students is above 3.5 and admitted students have completed most or all major prep courses”. My question is about the second part of that question. For my major, mathematics of computation, under " Major Preparation Requirements" it lists “One and a half years of calculus through multivariable and either linear algebra or differential equations”. and “Complete the full calculus series (encompassing single variable, multivariable, linear algebra and differential equations) and One introductory course in C++”

Cool, I have all those classes completed by last fall, but looking at assist.org, there is a different list of classes under “LOWER DIVISION MAJOR REQUIREMENTS”. With these classes, I do not have 3 of them complete as they do not have any course articulation for my school.

My question is which list of classes do they consider as “Major Preparation Requirements” and is my application negatively affected since I did not complete all of the lower division major requirements? I should have just changed my major to some math major that I have all the lower division requirements for…

Nah I am attending ucla I I thought ppl were posting the stats they used to get admitted

Major: Economics
GPA: 3.7
TAP+Alternate Major?: Business
Extracurriculars: Lots of non-profit data analyst work and high participation in student gov and clubs.
IGETC status: n/a

Gender: F
In-state/OOS/International?: OOS (top 30 nationally)
School Type: Private University
Income Bracket: Low-income
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): Strong internship experience, worked for a large amount of time during the pandemic, Dean’s list for 2020-2021 school year at competitive university
Where else did you apply/TAG?: UCSD, UCSB, Cal, USC

Honestly not super confident and I know this post is late but better now than never lol.

Also I graduated from a California high school and still maintain residency there!

Good luck, y’all!


At time of applying: 3.83
Transfer Academic Update: 3.86

TAP+Alternate Major?:
Yes, TAP certified.
Alt. major: American Lit. & Culture

VP of an existing club for 1 year
Created my own club, President for 1 year
Worked 20+ hours every week

IGETC status:
Complete as of the Fall



School Type:

Income Bracket:

Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.):
I guess it’s up to the reader to decide whether these things are strengths/weaknesses but…

  • Non-traditional, adult student
  • Wrote about overcoming/learning to improve my MH challenge
  • I’m very certain about my major choice and wrote about that
  • Definitely done with all major and gen. ed. requirements

Where else did you apply/TAG?:

Got invited to apply for the UCLA Alumni Scholarship, so I’m hoping that’s a good sign!

I should also note that I completed all 7 Pre-reqs for this major, since my UC offered the UCLA equivalent of PSY100A and PSY100B. I don’t think any course equivalent to the aforementioned courses are offered at CC.

If I don’t get accepted in Late April, this is just a warning for UC to UC transfers. Do not apply for an impacted major. I have a 3.98 GPA and all 7 pre-reqs completed, so I’ll make sure to update you guys on my results.

Major: Biology, B.S
GPA: 4.0
EC: tutoring, mentoring, 3 years of work experience, volunteering
IGETC: completed by this spring

Gender: Female
School type: California community college
Income bracket: Lower class
Where else did I apply? UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCI (tag), UCR, and a few cal states

I have a question though: For the majority of my two years spent at community college, I was a part of the honor program and was ready to be TAP certified. I dropped a course that was needed to get my certification for personal reasons, but I was wondering how this will affect my chances of admission since the class I dropped was not one of my major preparation courses.



TAP+Alternate Major?:
Yes, TAP Certified
Alt. Major: Asian American Studies

Section Leader | Tournament of Roses Honor Band [2 Years, Rose Parade],
Section Leader | Lancer Marching Band
Performing in Super Bowl LVI,
ASCEND Scholars,
2 Part-time Jobs working 35+hours per week,
YouTube as a hobby.

IGETC status:
Certified by end of Spring



School Type:

Income Bracket:
Middle, below $75k

Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.):
Leadership Experiences, Dean’s List, Employee of the Month, Creating content with an established YouTuber.

Where else did you apply/TAG?:

Constantly waiting every day for decisions to come out. Best of luck to everyone out there. Be confident in your abilities, and stay diligent in wtv you do. I know all of us worked incredibly hard to get to this point, so best wishes!


Hey everyone, it looks like data on fall 2022 UC applicants has been released. While total applications are up because of an increase in freshman applicants, transfer applications are actually down. This is true for both UCLA and the UC system as a whole. Does anybody know how/if this will effect transfer admissions? Do the UC’s aim for a certain percent of admits to be transfers? If so, this is likely good news for transfer students. Either way, the data is interesting.

Link to the data: https://www.ucop.edu/institutional-research-academic-planning/_files/factsheets/2022/table-1.2-transfer-applications-by-campus-and-residency.pdf