UCLA Fall 2022: Transfer Thread

Major: ling+cs
GPA: 3.55
Extracurriculars: previous internship + officer in a STEM club + part time job
IGETC status: completed

Gender: female
In-state/OOS/International?: in state
School Type: ccc
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): major pre-reqs completed excluding ling20, math70, and cs35L. 1 semester of one language + 2 semesters of another for foreign language requirement
gpa below 25th percentile of past years’ admits. TAP offered at a school in my district but didn’t do it
Where else did you apply/TAG?: UCSC(accepted CS), UCSB(accepted data sci), Cal(waitlisted data sci)

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I suppose I will also post my stats as an admitted student:
Major: Physics (declared as a Math/CS major at my current school)
GPA: 4.0
Extracurriculars: published research (not math/CS/Physics related), leadership in an outreach STEM club, TA for classes since my second semester, student paper, student gov’t
Awards: dean’s list, presidential scholar semifinalist, national merit commended, some HS athletic awards

Gender: male
Residency: technically in-state even though I don’t live in Cali anymore
School type: private OOS 4-year
Strengths: high GPA at a good private school, all major pre-reqs completed (assuming these courses transfer), seem to be pretty far along the major requirements with some upper level classes, previously admitted to UCLA as a FR in 2020.
Weaknesses: essays (I am an awful writer), ECs aren’t as great as they seem

Where else have I applied:
Accepted: UCLA
Rejected: UCB :frowning_face:, UChicago
Waiting: Northwestern, Cornell, Yale, Duke, Penn, Rice, JHU, UCSD, USC

At this point unless I get into Yale or Penn I’ll be heading to UCLA this fall. I applied to so many schools because I assumed going to an OOS 4-year would kill my chances for UCs (UCLA had a 5% admit rate for people in this category last year).

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whats ur major?

Weird. Accepted but no portal update email. Did anyone accepted get email to check portal?

I got accepted


Not much insight, but If you’ve been accepted to another uc that has released their financial aid, expect it to be pretty close to that

Good morning everyone! Pretty late but I got accepted!

Major: Political Science
CC transfer, ADT in Political Science, one-year transfer
Major prep: 2 Completed, 1 in progress
GPA: 4.0
EC: Student Government, Partnerships at a policy-related non-profit, Work experience, Club leadership and more

Accepted: UCLA, UCB, UCSB (TAG), UCI, UCD, UCSC (Regents), SDSU, Cal Poly Pomona, CSUF
Waitlisted: None
Rejected: Cal Poly SLO (lmao)
Waiting: UCSD

Very torn but currently leaning towards UCLA since COA is the same. UCLA vibes are more familiar to me and I think I will feel much better if I commit there. Congrats everyone, we did it!



Major: Pre-psychology
GPA: 3.7
Tap certified, Major prep completed, IGETC completed
EC: Barely any, I worked full time as a full time student (job is related to psychology.)
PIQ- they were okay imo

Child of single mother household, child of immigrants, Hispanic, low-income, full time job, Transfer from CC

Accepted: UCLA, UCI, UCR, CSUF, CSULB, Cal poly pomona, CSULA

Rejected: None

Waiting: UCSD


hey everybody! congrats to everybody who got in! just wanted to share my stats :slight_smile:

major: mechanical engineering
gpa: 3.91
major prep: taking three rn, finished the rest beforehand
ec’s: volunteer club (treasurer and vice president), engineering club, gay-straight alliance club, full-time job as a barback, honor’s program at my cc
piq’s: i think were really good. showed my future interest for mech e, as well as my passions

accepted: ucla, ucb, uci (tag)
rejected: none
waiting: ucsd

Did anyone get the welcome packages yet?

If not, do you know when it suppose to come?

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Would you be transferring from an out-of-state four-year college? The A/R from this set of colleges is atrocious. Whereas UCLA accepted 19.1% from the transfer cohort in 2021, the subcohort of out-of-state students was only 4.2% – and undoubtedly most of these were from four-years. Priority is given to California community colleges first, then to UC inter-transfers, and so on. All the best to you.

congrats! also got accepted for pre-history


Congrats everyone who got accepted!

Major: Nursing
GPA: 4.0
Prereq: Need Calculus I
IGETC: will be completed by Spring 2022
Extracurricular: Public health translator, medical volunteer, part-time job, 200+ hours of community volunteering.


Fantastic! What are your stats? Waiting to hear from UCSD & USC to make final choice. Have you decided yet? USC has a cool Law, History and Culture major as will be going to law school next it seems fantastic.

Congrats to everyone again. The wait almost killed many of us :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but well worth it.

Where did Theo_Chambers go? Want to thank him for giving us a heads up on release date.

Where’d you go?

I’m here!

Ok just checking in since you helped us all so much with information this decision season. Good luck to you!

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How do we see what financial aid package we are awarded?

Log into MyUCLA, and click on “View your Financial Aid Provisional Award Letter”

LOL pls lean towards UCLA!! I got into berkeley as a polisci major but only for spring start… let me take your fall spot :smiling_face_with_tear: :rofl: