UCLA Fall 2022: Transfer Thread

From PCC to UCLA
Pre-psyc major
4.0 GPA tapped certified
waitlisted damn

Speaking of ECs, my ECs are overseas volunteers. And I work for my own business, online marketing. I didn’t mentioned that on my application lol. Cause I my proves are not in my hand right now.
Anyone knows what should I write on my LOCI or maybe called 7000 characters box?
I really need some inspiration right now. I always dreamed to go to UCLA lol.

Would you mind posting some of your stats?

My provisional award letter is still not available…anyone else still have this?

Quick question for anyone who submitted the SIR. Did you have to pay the $250 deposit? My parents make well over the limit for financial aid and I’m a UC to UC transfer.

Is this fee waived because I’m an intercampus transfer or will I just be charged later on? Thanks :slight_smile:

im pretty sure that even if your fee is waived, you will have to pay it along with your first semester dues

Accepted for math of computation

Is the cost of attendance after loans? I didn’t quite understand. They put the loans AFTER the cost of attendance.

Hi yes sure. I’m sorry about ucla for you! I would write to them and mention the ups and downs of owning your business and how that created a strong back bone/foundation of being ready to take on the journey of ucla.


3.9 gpa with an upward trajectory since I had not so great grades to start due to life events, took a break came back and had to work to bring them up.

Tap certified

Volunteer at a suicide prevention hotline as a crisis counselor, I work full time, and have been a full time caretaker for my older brother who was homeless and struggles with mental health issues since 2013 financially, and emotionally. I helped my mom get off her feet after the divorce with my father and open a bar.

Being honest and open instead of listing accomplishments was my focal point and only way I could “lean in” during the application process. Hopefully that makes sense and gives some insight !

OMG, that is really inspirational! Thank you so much!! I will work on my LOCI asap! I am thinking that if I wrote what influence me to take psychology as major (Ups and Downs, and how I learned that people are constructed and behaved by what they think of, “cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)”), how I used psychological tricks in my online marketing, why UCLA is the best fit for me, and what I can bring to UCLA. Do you think it is okay, or maybe there should be something more? Because I also like business, philosophy; which of these majors are well known in UCLA. That means it is giving me the chance of learning from the best people around the world.

I think that is exactly the aspect you should write about! All of the ups and downs and understanding where they came from psychologically speaking from your online marketing business set up the foundation for your journey ahead and how UCLA would be the place for you.

I don’t know if you are open to other majors that admissions would let you in at this point if you changed it but I think if you are able to call admissions it’d be worth asking them because while there were even more applicants for business with 2,848 applied and 9% acceptance, and psychology coming in at a close second with 2,543 applied and 17% acceptance (both are saturated fields), philosophy has a 41% acceptance rate with 364 applicants and your case would be really strong.

If you can’t change your major when appealing you still have a strong case with the points you mentioned and I’d go for it! I am wishing you luck!!

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Thank you so much!

Has anyone received their financial aid award yet?

Here is a waitlisted discord for this year.

If possible, I would like to continue this discord for the few coming year. I know the waitlist process is confusing and concerning. It is always good to stay with people who are having the same issues!

I got my provisional offer the day after decisions came out.

Does anybody know when the transfer alumni scholarship will be awarded?


Damn ■■■ that’s surprising since you had a 4.0. Did you have a lot of W’s or anything unusual?

No, I don’t have any W’s.
Actually, I did pretty bad in high school (but actually my high school is in HK & local), maybe that affected? I saw quite a lot of people being waitlisted tho this year are quite well for their GPA, not so sure if that is “special” case or just normal back in last year.

How were your extra curriculars and essays? It could’ve been those because I don’t see how HS will affect cc to uc transfer.

As being said, because of Covid (I take class oversea in the first 2 semester, that means I take class in the middle of the night), those ECs are overseas, and they dont give me proves, so I did not mention them in my essays (and some of them are not in my hand). Because I am scared if they want proves, and I cannot give them. My essays are not so good, or I would say its my personality, I like to be so organised, almost academic essay. Maybe it is the problem. Cause I am quite a philosophical guy, I like to make things complicated and logical. So, my essay does not help me stand out, cause it does not present my personality that much (maybe the personality they want).
But I got some new ECs right now. I am now starting up my own business, and doing some online marketing. I will try to mention them into my additional essay then.