UCLA Mathematics/Economics B.S.

<p>What can I do with this degree? What kind of employment prospects can I expect to have upon graduation?</p>

<p>To those who are current students in this major, what do you plan to do with this degree when you graduate?</p>

<p>I have a few friends who were Econ, Math, and Biz Econ majors (though none of them doubled majored in them).</p>

<p>3 Biz Econ friends are working in Big 4 accounting firms.
1 Biz Econ friend is a consultant for a Fortunate 500 company.
1 Biz econ friend is an investment banker at a major bank.
1 Econ friend is an underwriter at an insurance company.
1 Econ friend is an operations analyst at a Fortune 500 company.
1 Math friend is a math teacher.
1 Math friend is umemployed.</p>

<p>If you can, I recommend you do Biz Econ and do the accounting minor and then try to get a job with the Big 4.</p>

<p>I plan on double majoring in Math/Econ and Statistics. Hopefully, I can also stack a Master’s in Economics after that. I’m really interested in the actuarial field right now. But I just want to keep my opportunities open.</p>

<p>math econ is probably one of the best majors. it’s like biz econ but better basically. you will be prepared for any finance/business job and can even do things like quantitative finance that regular biz econ kids couldnt.</p>

<p>math econ = few econ classes + math minor you won’t learn a lot of math in a math minor.</p>