UCLA or UC Irvine?

<p>I’m in a bit of a dilemma here. I was accepted to both UCLA and UC Irvine as a biology major and I can’t quite choose between the two. I visited both campuses, and really enjoyed what each campus had to offer. UCI’s facilities amazed me most because I could actually find the Biological Sciences building. I think I found the UCLA science facilities if there the buildings behind the UCLA store. UCLA seemed a little bit more tricky to get around just because its a big city, but then again UCLA seems to have way more presitage over UCI. My parents, well really my dad, never seemed to like UCLA and he never told me why after I asked. Just to be honest, I’m kind of an indecisive guy when it comes to big decisions like this and posting a thread to ask everyone probably won’t help me decide either but its a worth a shot. Any Bruins or Anteaters out there? help me out please…</p>

<p>lol UCLA :P(They have a good med prgm, so their major can’t be bad :D)</p>

<p>then again, UCI is best known for the sciences :-)</p>

<p>(even though I’m going for Bus. Admin.)</p>

<p>As an Irvine student, I would argue for UCI in the following way:</p>

<p>From my own experiences and conversations I’ve had with friends at UCLA, I can almost definitively say that it’s easier to get involved with undergraduate research at UCI. UCI has extensive programs in place for undergraduates who want to get involved in research that LA apparent lacks (this is not to say that you can’t get research at UCLA, but you have to be more independent and it’s much more competitive).</p>

<p>Ugrad research may not seem like a huge consideration at the moment, but I can tell you that it’s critical for anyone hoping to go to grad school in something technical, medical school, or even for certain jobs.</p>