<p>D got her rejection from UCLA tonight. Has 2 friends from NYU who were accepted. The portal is open to check your status as of tonight. Break a leg everyone!
Third rejection and things are looking very glum here right now… I hate this.</p>
<p>Sorry about your news.</p>
<p>My D also got rejected from UCLA tonight, and went straight to bed at 8pm after she found out. She was very disappointed. It was her first choice and has wanted to go there for a long time.</p>
<p>This IS stressful!</p>
<p>May I ask, what were the other 2 rejections?</p>
<p>Baldwin Wallace— She auditioned in November and Marymount Manhattan which she really wasn’t that fired up about anyway. We are still waiting for 5 other schools but I am starting to get worried now.
Where did your D audition besides UCLA? We just got home from a show tonight and two of her good friends from NYU summer program got accepted to UCLA so she was excited and hopeful, but it wasn’t meant to be.</p>
<p>Whoops, sorry, I am new to this site and didn’t realize i was posting under a theater thread. My D wants to be a math major!</p>
<p>Well anyway, good luck to your D. I hope this becomes a minor footnote in a successful career. It certainly is nerve-wracking when it is happening though (and I think it makes it even worse when you know friends that have gotten in).</p>
<p>Rejected here. And unbelievably I am glad to hear this. I didn’t even want to go to the school. The good news it that it help me make my mind since I have to decide where to go before March 17.</p>
<p>If it makes any of you feel better, I think there was a real “game change” at UCLA in comparision to past years. When we were there this summer, it was announced that there were no budget cuts and business as usual. When were went down for audition in Feb., they told us that the budget was cut by $350,000, productions will go from 14 a year to 7 and that they would be accepting fewer kids. My D wasn’t one of them. My D went to USPerforming Arts camp there are they touted that MOST kids enrolled in that program USUALLY get in.
This is a tough way to get into college and study what you love.</p>
<p>Yes they spent a great deal of time talking about the budget cuts and how they would affect the program next year. SMaller numbers (12) would be accepted. 7 not 14 shows, no private vocal lessons (only group vocals) and some courses not being offered as often. There were a few more things that I can’t remember but it was a bit of a negative vibe actually. They said it was going to take a toll on the department and they had not reached the last $50,000 of cuts that were going to be the most troublesome.
Many schools may be facing these issues next year though, at least UCLA was very upfront and honest about the situation.<br>
Congrats to any who were accepted. It is an amazing school.</p>
<p>Does anyone know how many MT students are accepted?</p>
<p>They said they were aiming for a class of 12 total. They did not say how many they would accept to yield a class of 12.</p>
<p>So sorry to those of you who did not get in. I guess with those acceptance rates, the odds are slim. My daughter is still waiting to hear-as a transfer she still has a few weeks. Her odds are slim too- they were talking just a couple of MT transfers, and it seemed like there were a lot of transfer applicants at the auditions. With the budget cuts we are worried they will take very few transfers. California schools are a bit scary right now. It is hard to say how the budget cuts will affect programs. I am sure a lot of other states are in the same boat, but a lot of the MT programs are at private institutes which may not be affected as much. Anyway, good luck to those transfer students out there! CalMTM- I’m glad to see your daughter has received some acceptances now. Are you still waiting to hear from more?</p>