<p>Can anyone comment about taking courses at UCLA summer school vs. taking classes at Santa Monica City College in the summer? How is the dorm at UCLA? Were the classes more or less intense than during the year? Thank you for your help.</p>
<p>generally, yes summer sessions tends to be easier than the regular school-year. depends though, what type of classes are you looking into taking? if they sound fun and cool like ‘classical mythology’ ‘history of rock and roll’ and some GE-type courses where non-UCLA students choose to enroll (e.g. HS kids, OOS students, foreign students, etc) then yes they tend to be easier. if it’s like mandated courses or stuff that has pre-requisites e.g. ochem or something . . . im not sure . . . how many non-ucla kids enroll in those . . .</p>
<p>dorm life at ucla… will be a lot of visiting students - - foreigners or OOS people who are in special programs or w/e.</p>
<p>I had thought of signing up my son for a Math class to fulfill a requirement at USC. USC tuition is very expensive. Of course, this would require approval from USC.</p>
<p>semester versus quarter systems . . . i would email the math dept @ USC and see how well that would transfer . . .</p>
<p>If your son is looking into an introductory math course at a semester campus, he will have to take an equivalent of 2 courses at UCLA to receive those credits at USC. Semester course descriptions at USC is on the right and the equivalents at UCLA is on the right.</p>
Single Variable Calculus = 31A, 31B
Multivariable Calculus = 32A, 32B
Linear Algebra & Diffy Qs = 33A, 33B</p>
<p>If he is talking about upper division math courses, then this does not apply.
As for how intense summer courses are, the math classes are more relaxed. There is still a significant amount of problem sets, but exams are generally easier and sometimes there is no final (just more exams though). The speed is fine, but I think sometimes too fast for students to learn everything well. I would only recommend “Diffy Q” or “single variable calculus w/ prior knowledge” over the summer for math.</p>
<p>in response to boelterhall’s post, lower div math classes are 8 weeks in UCLA summer sessions and only offered in Session A. So, mdcissp’s son wouldn’t even be able to finish a semester equivalent course in one summer at UCLA. Best bet would be to think about taking some other class at UCLA.</p>
<p>General ed. requirements, major/minor have to be taken at USC. Therefore, what is left either Linear Algebra and/or Physics. Is Santa Monica City College on the semester system and would those classes be good enough? I am oos, and community colleges here are o.k. but certainly not with the repuation of USC or UCLA. I worry that Physics would be too intense in the summer. And I also am not happy paying so much tuition over the summer at USC.</p>
<p>It is possible to finish a semester equivalent course at UCLA in the summer.
Many students from other semester-based universities take both 33A and 33B for Session A (8 weeks). This is the only way to fulfill the course requirement for a one semester course. At USC, these two courses are equivalent to Math 225.</p>
<p>BoelterHall: Thank you so much for your response. Do you happen to know the cost of 33A and 33B for an out of state student? Or, what did it cost last year?</p>
<p>Visiting students will pay $243 per unit. The two courses are 4 units apiece, so 8 x $243 for 8 weeks. Living in the dorms will cost around $1000 more. You can find out more here: [Enroll</a> and Register-Overview overview](<a href=“http://www.summer.ucla.edu/EnrollRegister/overview.htm]Enroll”>http://www.summer.ucla.edu/EnrollRegister/overview.htm)</p>
<p>I am kind of surprised that your son’s requirement is solely Linear Algebra and not including Differential Equations. If that is the case, you only need 33A … or 115A (if it is advanced linear algebra).</p>
<p>How much does a summer course at USC cost anyways?</p>
<p>I have to check the full title of the Linear Algebra. Currently, USC is around $5,100. for a 4 unit course. Also, my son’s advisor suggested that he take Physics during the summer.
The General Ed. core requirements have to be taken at USC. My son wants to add a minor to his Engineering major. Since the minor requires extra classes, my son thought it best to take at least 2 classes during the summer so that he can finish up the major plus a minor in 4 years. Thank you again for your help.</p>