I’m an currently a student at a CCC. I am a physics major and I just got accepted UCLA, UCB, or UCR. I’m an currently choosing between these school and I would like some advice. I know UCLA and UCB are prestigious and super high ranked for physics while UCR is not. My goal is to get a PhD in physics from a top ten graduate program. Will going to UCR over other higher rank more prestigious school set me back. I know Graduate schools look at your GRE scores and GPA but I want to do everything can to make my odds of getting into a top ten school better. I am currently leaning towards UCR because I will have no debt if I go there.

Nope. UCR has a very good Physics Program ranked #56 nationally (2018 US News) and the school is growing faster than ANY OTHER UC for a reason. NO DEBT is a great thing!! Maintain a high GPA and GRE score and a top ten graduate school should be in the cards as well!