<p>hi, im currently attending a CCC and will be applying to these 3 schools for aerospace engineering.</p>
<p>I would like all of you who got in or rejected to any of these schools in engineering to post your profile. GPA, major, and other areas such as EC, essay that u think made a big difference in their decision. </p>
<p>it would be really helpful for me to have an idea of what i should be prepared for</p>
<p>Easy. </p>
<p>Follow Assist.org and finish all required classes. I can probably tell you the classes without even looking. Math Physics Chem English Engineering is the name of the game for classes. </p>
<p>Use assist heavily, and finish all of the classes required. Or as many as you can. </p>
<p>My profile:
Industrial Engineering
UCLA(mech engineer): Accepted
Berkeley: Pending
Georgia Tech :Accepted
UCSD (mech engineer): Pending
Finished most of the Pre Reqs
3.8+ GPA
EC's: Senior Math Tutor, PTK VP, Eagle Scout...among a few "lesser" others. </p>
<p>-Aside from grades, you need to have some EC's. Don't overdue on joining a bunch of clubs, take up positions! If you can tutor math, that is always good as an EC because they will look to you playing to your strengths. </p>
<p>For the Essays, I believe Cal and UCLA are the only one that reads them, you want to write about your intended major for each essay. My Berk counselor stressed that your application is reviewed by the department you applied to, so make the content applicable. Talk about why you are doing your intended major, what you want to accomplish/do with it after you graduate perhaps. How did you become interested in it? If you can answer those questions effectively, you will have probably written decent essays.</p>
<p>I wrote about a trip I took to a manufacturing facility -- and talked about how my major was incorporated into the systems there, and how that was an example of my major in practice. </p>
<p>Most of the decision will be based on your GPA / how many of the pre req courses you have completed. Make sure to plan carefully- you will probably have to stack physics math and chem at some point so watchout- that could cause problems for the GPA. </p>
<p>If you scour this site some more, you will find all the information you need and much more. Good luck</p>
<p>thanks for your profile.</p>
<p>dont get me wrong, im more than half way done with prerequisites. if it all goes well this semester, i have a cumulative of 3.7 GPA. one more physics, 2 more math to go..ohhh, and i yet still have to start chemistry. </p>
<p>I pretty much Aced all my class but i have a C in physics I which is keeping my gpa from going higher so that has me preocuppied and im curious to read other people's experiences</p>
<p>any more ppl who got into UCB, UCLA, UCSD engineering as transfer status?</p>