UCLA URSA FinAid UP 2010

<p>yeah we wont be able to see the sight that says blah blah Late april</p>

<p>I think you see the two columns right before or right after admission</p>

<p>I’ve got my fingers crossed for Peter’s news, but i’m still set on Friday.</p>

<p>I’ll be checking if the site goes down for the next hour… haha.</p>

<p>Keep us updated Andj00! I’m going to try and work on this paper…which won’t work, but I’m trying!</p>

<p>if it really is tonight, then great : |</p>

<p>Is anyone able to actually view the amount of fin. aid they are receiving when you click on “View eFan and Financial Aid Awards on MyFAO”?</p>

<p>I’m not getting my hopes up. Too many people be spreading rumors.</p>

<p>is there anyone…like me lol…that cant see FA or do the housing app? :(</p>

<p>^Yep I feel you</p>

<p>beatpedo, I still can’t.</p>

<p>I can’t either ^ wat r ur stats for those who can’t see neither</p>

<p>feel great huh</p>

<p>3.9 gpa, Comm major</p>

<p>I still can’t either. So many emotions are going through my head about UCLA. Sheesh!!!</p>

<p>Yep feels great…just the wait now.</p>

<p>I still can’t see</p>

<p>Major : Computer Science and Engineering
GPA : 3.75
Pre-Reqs : Missing physics 3, linear algebra, and chem 1
Essays : 7/10 i suck at writing, that is why i am engineering
No TAP, not at a school that is in the region</p>

GPA: 3.76
Pre-reqs: Completed by spring
Essay: 8.5-9/10
EC’s: A Bunch+Work
TAP: Yes TAP Certified</p>

<p>Ugh I feel like crap. I’m losing hope…</p>

<p>It sucks not to feel wanted :(</p>

<p>^Guys cheer up, this is probably like the waves. Your stats are all strong and I know at least 3/4 of us will get in.</p>

<p>So, this is from last year, but…just for s h i t s and giggs:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/uc-transfers/700428-i-just-called-ucla-clarify-some-things.html?highlight=ursa+2009[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/uc-transfers/700428-i-just-called-ucla-clarify-some-things.html?highlight=ursa+2009&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>"I just called UCLA to clarify some things!
this was post #36 from the Ucla man up! thread, socal1017 suggested i make a new thread to inform everyone of my findings–</p>

<p>ok. i just got off the phone with her! she seemed kind of annoyed.</p>

<p>but basically i asked her how the financial aid processing works, and so i said:
me: “can you clarify if this is right? so the admissions office first decides who is admitted, then sends the list to the FA dept to have the FA processed for only admitted students right?”
her: “yes, that is correct”
me: “so only accepted students will have their fafsa processed”
her: “yes, we only process the admitted student’s fafsas”
me: “ok so, not everybody gets their FA processed then right, only admitted students?”
her: “…yes.”</p>

<p>i know i sounded like elle woods in the court room but i dont care. i wanted to make sure she knew what i was talking about.</p>

<p>i asked her about the STOMP conference on friday (4/24) and i said
me: “oh i don’t know if i should attend or not… since i don’t know if i will be admitted by then”
her: “thats completely separate from the admissions office”
me: “so i won’t know by the 24th?”
her: “you’ll know by the end of the month”</p>

<p>basically she just kept saying THE END OF THE MONTH -__-</p>

<p>– i called at 1:00PM, put on hold for about 13 minutes, dialed (310)825-3101, pressed 1 then 2 then 2 again for the right department"</p>


<p>this is from an LA thread from '08: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/1060207474-post33.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/1060207474-post33.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Also–for those of you who can’t see your aid on URSA, don’t lose hope!! It’s potentially a good thing if you can see it, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing if you can’t! <3
[From</a> last year’s URSA hack results…](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/1062432824-post60.html]From”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/1062432824-post60.html)
^So don’t fret, my pets!</p>