UCLA vs. UCSD? Physics vs. Engineering. tough choice

I am facing a really tough choice right now since I got accepted by both UCLA and UCSD. However, my desired major was Mechanical Engineering. I got that offered from UCSD, but UCLA offered my physics instead. I am definitely passionate about physics (that why I am doing mechanical engineering ), but pure physics is not the major I want. Also, I would prefer to live in LA rather than SD. If UCLA offered my Mechanical engineering, I would even think about other schools, but now I really do not know which one to pick. I feel like this is a life choice I will regret either way. Can I please have some suggestions?

My son applied to both of those schools for ME. Even though he’ll be going to UCLA, if he had to make the same decision as you, I would have recommended UCSD.

UCLA will require grad school if you really want to be an engineer. Is grad school something that interests you and is it affordable?

If you attend UCLA, it is unlikely that you will be able to major in ME. Changing into an engineering major from a non-engineering major is very difficult (3.500 GPA to be eligible, but admission is competitive beyond that).

If you are directly admitted to ME at UCSD, go there if you really want to study ME.