UCLA's most popular/the best programs

<p>I'm doing research about UCLA(yeah, I know it's KINDDA late to do research 15 days before the application deadline)</p>

<p>Anyway, What do you guys think is UCLA's best programs?</p>

<p>I heard people say it's the business program, is it true?</p>

<p>JUst post what you think, please~
Thank you!!</p>

<p>Political Science, MIMG, Theatre, Business Economics, Electrical Engineering :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Most popular (Top 5):
1. Poli. Sci.
1. Psychology
3. Biology
4. History
4. English
4. Business Economics
5. Sociology
*These seven majors make up almost 40% of the entire undergrad. student body</p>

<p>What UCLA's most well known for:
-Theatre Arts
-Film & Television
-Communication Studies</p>

<p>Yeah flopsy, definitely EE. Math is pretty good too.</p>

<p>anyone able to comment on the philosophy offerings?</p>

<p>thank you flopsy, dhl3</p>

<p>it's interesting to see the most known for are mostly not the most popular</p>

<p>there's a lot of classes, but many of the lower divs (i don't know about upper divs) are not offered every quarter.
for instance, next quarter, nothing under philosophy 21 is even offered. and i've NEVER seen some of the lower divs offered. and i've heard horror stories of philosophy 7 with one of the profs (forgot his name).
and that completes my knowledge of philosophy here.</p>