UCONN - Chance me!

<p>sex: female
ethnicity: african american
sat I: 2400
sat II: math II: 800
german with listening: 780
biology E: 800
AP: Calculus 5, Spanish 4, Physics 5, Psychology 5, APUSH 5, APEURO 5
GPA: 3.92</p>

President of the Student Ambassador Foundation for four years
Founder of the school's future generation world leaders workshop
Founder of the African-American Student Alliance
GSA member for four years
Varsity player for soccer, lacrosse, and field hockey
captain of the chess team
Intern at the Chamber of Commerce for three years</p>

<p>can you please just tell me what my chances are of getting in? I hear that UCONN's business school is much harder to get into than anything these days. Thanks!</p>

<p>U must be kidding?</p>

<p>People that ask me this question make me sick. Why are you worried…</p>

<p>If you know the answer to your own question stop bragging about your stats. Like really, a 2400 on Sat’s, 800 on two subject tests and 5/4 on AP exams? Okay either your too full of yourself asking this question on UConn or you’re lying your butt off. Smh.</p>

<p>I assume that your GPA is weighted and your unweighted GPA is below 3. You may be waitlisted, but with good essays you may make the quota.</p>