I’m currently trying to decide between these four schools, so I’m hoping someone could give me insight on one or all of them. I plan on majoring in psychology, and I’m almost definitely going to grad school after – I’m not sure what I want to do yet, but right now I’m thinking either a PhD in psychology, physical therapy school, or dental school. Any of those options would be expensive so I just don’t really know if I want to spend a ton of money on undergrad, but on the other hand I really want to enjoy my undergrad experience and not just base my decision on the money aspect.
UConn – COA is about $28,000/yr (I’m in-state), and I wouldn’t have to take out loans. UConn is literally in my backyard so I kinda feel the need to get away a bit, but it’s my cheapest option. Also I don’t really like how big it is; I feel I might get lost in the huge classes, and not really knowing my professors would be a turn-off.
Connecticut College – COA is about $58,000/yr, so I would definitely need to take out loans. I really like Conn, though I’m a little hesitant about how small it is (1,800 students); my high school is only a little smaller than that. But other than that I really like that I would be in small classes and would know my professors. I think Conn is my #1 choice as of right now, and it’s also the best school of the four I’m deciding between.
Muhlenberg – COA is about $48,000/yr, so I would need to take out some loans but less than at Conn. I know the least about Muhlenberg, but it seems like it would be a good compromise between Conn and UConn cost-wise. I also like that I would be in small classes, but again I don’t really know much else about it.
Elon – COA is about $42,000/yr. I may need to take out some loans but still less than at Conn or Muhlenberg. I got into the Elon College Fellows program, which would ensure that I get lots of research experience, and has some other nice benefits. I like Elon’s size (6,000) the most out of all my schools – not too big or too small. I visited the campus and felt like I would fit in well with the student body. But also Elon is a plane ride away, and I’m not sure if it makes sense to go that far for a school that’s not as good as some of the other ones I got into.
So I guess what I’m asking is if it’s worth it to pay more for a private school, especially considering that I’m definitely going to some sort of grad school, or if I should just save as much money as possible and go to a state school. Any input would be much appreciated!!