Ucr gap

<p>DS14 who will be a HS senior next fall received a postcard from UCR stating that he can apply for the Guaranteed Admission Program in mid June- July. Candidates must have a 3.9 GPA or higher and a combined SAT of at least 1600 and meet all A-G requirements. It would seem that these kids (GPA wise) may have a shot at a higher tiered UC. The application is free and if he qualifies, he has a reserved spot for UCR the following year. It is non-binding. This sounds like a great way to get that first admit/safety school as he applies to higher tiered UC’s and privates. I am wondering if there are any drawbacks. I am also wondering what’s in it for UCR?</p>

<p>What’s in it for UCR is to secure top students. It sounds like a good program to consider</p>