<p>So I was accepted into both UCR and UCSB. I’m having a hard time deciding to pick one. My intended major is Psychology (probably research or cognitive). I live in Riverside, so if I go to UCR, I will save money on housing and get to keep my job. I also think my financial aid will cover most, if not close to all my tuition at UCR. However, I know UCSB is ranked higher than UCR and it’s a beautiful place. But I also know I’m going to to have to pay for housing and that I’m going to have to pay probably 10,000 or so more a year if i want to go there, despite my financial aid. I dont want to have to pick a higher academic education vs. which one will give me more money. I also know students often change their major, so I want a college with a lot options. Can anyone help me try to make a decision? Sorry I forgot to mention I’m also going to become an undergraduate, if that helps at all.</p>

<p>If you would go to UCSB and come out with $40K in debt, I would think that would be excessive.</p>

<p>Go with the option that allows you to get a good education and not sacrifice your future. Ultimately it is about what you make of your schooling, whether you get internships, etc.</p>

<p>I think there’s also a lot of value in living in a different place and culture. I was pretty content with my suburban-LA home, until I left for a different city altogether. It has really opened my eyes, and I have changed and grown as a person not just from the school, but from seeing a totally new (and more self-conscious) culture. I consistently hear that the city of Riverside totally sucks as well as the surrounding regions. I would think you could see a pretty big difference between SB and it as well.</p>

<p>This is a tough call though, because financial aid is big, especially nowadays. Also, an undergrad degree in psych isn’t going to get you a very well-paying job out of school, and that’s going to be really hard to pay off huge loans with. I don’t want to harp on you here, but realistically it may be pretty hard on you, and years of work for a PhD will only put you at entry-level.</p>

<p>So, it’s hard to see what you could be missing by not leaving, but it’s a more financially dangerous proposition. Having spent time in SB, I’d say it’s a pretty damn awesome place. Food for thought.</p>

<p>Here’s an idea. Have you considered going to UCR and leaving the possibility open for transferring? Get stellar grades for your first year and you’re golden for SB, or just about anywhere.</p>

<p>As Miserlou said, although going to a nice place is great, as a psychology major you can’t expect to make as much as you would like to pay off the debt. BUT, you may be missing out on plenty of opportunities. Personally, I will be subjecting myself to about $70,000 of debt by the time I graduate with my master’s degree in electrical engineering, but since I will be attending UCSD there will be plenty of opportunities to secure a high paying job or internship. For you, I would recommend to go to UCSB because it may provide you with many more opportunities, and the overall feeling of the campus feels friendlier than UCR (in my opinion). You also have the choice to get your undergraduate at UCR and go elsewhere for your graduate’s.</p>

<p>at first glance I was like, “what this isn’t even comparable…” but I totally understand your situation. Overall, UCSB is a more well rounded school compared to Riverside. And to be honest the neighborhood is a lot friendly (exception of few incidences where SBCC kids are rude) and a lot prettier. SB offers lots of choices of majors compared to Riverside and ultimately, isn’t college suppose to widen one’s perception of the world? Experience new things and really get out of your comfort zone. If financial is a big big issue then you should consider Riverside, but if there is a reasonable amount difference then you should definitely choose SB.</p>

<p>“SB offers lots of choices of majors compared to Riverside and ultimately, isn’t college suppose to widen one’s perception of the world? Experience new things and really get out of your comfort zone.”</p>

<p>I don’t see how Riverside does not widen one’s perception of the world. UCR definitely offers lots of choices of majors and can grow each person. I think the only difference between UCSB and UCR is that UCSB is more prestigious and the campus is a lot more prettier than UCR. You can get the same quality of education at either school, so go to a school that will offer you most financial aids.</p>

<p>I guess but it’s not just the prettiness of the college or the prestigiousness… the neighborhood is completely different and idk riverside is a bit sketchy. </p>

<p>Weigh the pros and cons of both colleges: friends, connections, education, environment, location, but don’t go to a college based on money.</p>

What school did you end up going to? I am basically in the exact same situation. UCRiverside is offering me a full ride and $5,250 extra while UCSB would cost me $4,000 the first year and $7,000 the next 3 years. I am undecided in my major, and I am from Riverside. UCSB was my dream school.

This thread is four years old…

OP was last active four years ago too