I’m so torn between both schools and I need help making a decision. I’m transferring from a community college in Southern California and I’ve been accepted to both ucr and ucsd as a psychology major. UCR accepted me over a month ago and offered me the 10k regents scholarship so I SIRed because they let me know that on campus housing was filling up quickly so I needed to apply asap. I didn’t think I’d get a scholarship anywhere else so it seemed like the best decision. My close friend also got into ucr and we decided to apply for an apartment together and then we got it. My problem now is that ucsd accepted me last week and just offered me a 20k Chancellors associate scholarship which is beyond amazing. I have to pay for college myself and with the financial aid and scholarships at both schools I won’t have to pay a thing for 2 years. I know UCSD ranks way above UCR but I am afraid I won’t make it there. I know people who attend there and they have really struggled with classes. I feel more comfortable with ucr because I know I will be able to handle classes plus I would be living with my friend. I can’t decide because I feel like if I say no to ucsd, I am giving up an amazing opportunity and won’t get hired anywhere when they see I went to ucr. I guess I’m more worried about what other people think. There’s also the problem with my friend. I don’t want to be messed up by telling her I don’t want to go to ucr anymore after we already got an apartment together. I’m sorry about this being long and confusing but I really need help.

It’s striking to me that your doubts about UCR are based around what other people think, while your doubts about UCSD are based around how you feel.

You would not have been offered either scholarship if you weren’t already a terrific student, so try to put to rest any nagging fears about whether you can handle either (I know, much easier said than done).

UCR is a hidden-in-plain-sight gem of a school. In pretty much any other state people would proudly call it their flagship. You will get jobs graduating from UCR. You may have more research opportunities there given the Regents scholarship (I don’t know the details of the Chancellors associate). This and closer access to professors could be important for getting into grad or professional school.

Basically, I don’t think there is a career or academic downside to choosing UCR over UCSD given what you’ve been offered. Both will get you anywhere you want to go. So make the choice based on which school and which environment best suits you.

I disagree. I think if USCD accepted you, you can handle the classes. It’s the stronger, more robust, more established institution. Go there.

I would advise you to go to UCSD. Congratulations on getting Chancellors! That is a great honor and shows they believe you are more than able to handle the academics there. I think it would be a great place to study Psychology.

My son, who recently graduated from UCSD, took 5 lower level introductory Psychology classes there even though he was a CS major. He mainly took them because he enjoyed them tremendously. I think the professors were very good. It was not difficult to make A’s in them, so it wasn’t stressful. I was very impressed with some of the things he told me he had learned in those classes and am so glad he took them.

UCR alumnus here…received a great education/college experience at UC Riverside! Is the fastest growing UC for a reason (still has that personal touch most other UC’s lack, smaller class sizes, easier professor access, better financial aid (in many cases), with a more collaborative education). You will definitely get a good job out of UCR! Is ranked #66 Nationally in Psychology on 2019 US News. Moved up 39 spots (#85) Nationally Overall on 2019 US News…the biggest jump of ANY COLLEGE IN THE NATION. UCR students attend the campus for themselves and the right fit…NOT WHAT OTHERS THINK. We are willing to make sacrifices (aka…inland location) in our quest for higher education that some are unwilling to do…gives us Highlanders a sense of grit, perseverance, and pride which will serve you very well in the workplace!! However, you mentioned that finances are important and since you received that 20K Scholarship at UCSD (versus 10K at UCR), would make better financial sense for you to attend UCSD in your case. You really cannot go wrong at either location…best of luck to you!