Hello! So obvious to the title, I was admitted to both of these awesome schools! However I am having a very hard time making a clear choice. Since the beginning, my mind was set on UCR because it’s in my hometown, and I never even thought I’d get into UCSD. Now that I’ve been given the opportunity, I’m stuck. Both are fairly the same cost and same aid. I’m just struggling with the reputations. Although UCR isn’t the best UC, I’m comfortable, but UCSD is much more well know. I just don’t know what to go with. Could anyone please post pros and cons to each? Or any advice that could help. Thank you!

My advice is to get out of your comfort zone (Riverside) and live in San Diego. La Jolla is an amazing part of the country with great weather. In addition, UCR is more of a commuter college with many students living at home. All things equal i would tell my kid to go to UCSD.

What major’s were accepted at each school? Did you plan to commute to UCR?

I am personally deciding between the 2 schools too (and UCSB)! I live 25 minutes from UCR so I will commute if I do end up going there and I will dorm if I attend UCSD.

So I was given around 10k of UCR grant and the tuition is around 15k. Does it mean that I only have to pay 5k a year? BC I will commute to UCR

For UCSD, dorming is 14k and tuition is 14k, so it’s 28k a year and I was given 12k of UCSD scholarship. So I have to pay 16k a year? I really want a campus lifestyle and step out of my comfort zone, but is it worth it paying extra?

Someone please explain this to me!! I’m the first in my immigrant family to attend college so my mom is clueless about these numbers and so am I

  1. What can your family pay towards your college education each year? Worth the extra costs is dependent upon how you and your family feel about taking out loans if needed.

  2. UCR’s tuition costs/fees are $15,602 with Health insurance. If you are covered under your parents health insurance then it is $13,827. This is not including books, parking permit if commuting and miscellaneous spending including meals on campus.

  3. As a student, you can take out a total of $27K for 4 years in student loans, so $5500 Freshman year, $6500 Sophomore year and $7500 Junior and Senior year. Is your $10K grant renewal each year? Do you have work study induced in your FA package. Taking out the student loans would cover all costs at UCR if you are guaranteed $10k/year.

  4. For UCSD, if you take the student loan, then you are $11,500 short not including books, transportation etc…, so will your parents be able to pay the difference or want to take out a parent plus loan to help you? Do you have work study included in your FA package?

Also want to add that UCSD does not guarantee 4 years of housing on-campus, maybe if you are lucky 2 years. The La Jolla area is a very expensive to live. My younger son is sharing a house with 7 other students at $800/month just rent. Any student’s goal should be to get a good education at the lowest cost possible. After 2 years at UCR, you could move into an apartment with friends which be less expensive than the SD area. This is coming from parent that commuted all 4 years. Get your self involved in the campus activities and you get will have some that campus life experience. Graduating with little or no debt is a blessing you may not appreciate now but will definitely later.

For UCSD, I was given 2k of work study, which brings the cost down to 14k, and my mom is willing to pay 5k a year towards my education each year. I still have 9k left each year, so I will have to take out loans. My family already talked about taking out loans through our credit union (so they are okay with loans). I will also work during the summer and at UCSD as well during the school year.

Another question is: How does health insurance work at UCSD? (I know UCSB included health insurance in my FA package)


All UC’s require you either take the UC SHIP insurance which UCSD’s states the cost of $1971/year. You can opt out of taking this insurance if you are covered by your parents insurance plan but you need to fill out a waiver and have proof the coverage is sufficient. This would save you some money.

Works study is not guaranteed and you will not get the $2K until you start working.

If Mom is willing to pay $5K/year, then UCR will be affordable with no loans.

UCR alumnus here…it may not be the best (yet), but it moved up on 2019 US News (39 spots) to #85 Nationally, the biggest increase of any college in the NATION! Is the fastest growing UC for a reason, with better financial aid and the first new Medical School in California in 50 years. Riverside County is the third fastest growing county in the NATION with growth projected through year 2065! Is positioned very well and poised to move onward and upward in a BIG way!

Hmmm… San Diego is so beautiful and it’s highly accredited. If I were you, that would be my choice. Congrats!